Igadzra string

What kind of rating do I have to have with the Igadzra to get the first mission? I am a decent in all of the systems and in some a good egg and in a couple a upstanding citizen. I have a deadly combat rating. Is there something else I need to take care of? Help is appreciated.


The Igadzra race is generally the best one to join. To get the Igadzra string, you have to have at least an Excellent combat rating and a Decent Individual legal status in Miranu and Igadzra space. Go to Kitrak (around Mirava in Miranu space), and enter the bar. You'll get your first mission there.


What if you are higher than Decent Individual?


What if you are higher than Decent Individual?

All the requirements are "x or greater".

What did you think? 😉

We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill...