Anna Balishova Mission Series

I followed Anna and the renegade Nadir to Iothe but before I could board Nadir a UE Carrier destroyed him. (With 20/20 Hindsight I should have just jumped out of Iothe when I saw the UE fleet but . . .) Of course the mission failed. I have tried going back to Freeport, Iothe Prime, and anywhere else I could think of to try and pick the mission back up to try again but to no avail. How can I pick this mission string back up?


Have you tried to go back to the begining? Try Knox.

I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a damn.


GunsAndTurrets wrote:
**Have you tried to go back to the begining? Try Knox.

I think I have but I will try again. Knox and New Taranto were stops I made after Nadir's death.


Make sure you check your active mission window to be sure that the mission is fully canceled. If there is bullet in front of the desc, then you need to abort it before you can pick it up again.


"I dreamt I was a butterfly, but when I awoke, I thought I might actually be a butterfly, dreaming that I was a man."
-- Chuang-tze (330 BCE)


Capt. B.A. Knutson wrote:
**I followed Anna and the renegade Nadir to Iothe but before I could board Nadir a UE Carrier destroyed him. (With 20/20 Hindsight I should have just jumped out of Iothe when I saw the UE fleet but . . .) Of course the mission failed. I have tried going back to Freeport, Iothe Prime, and anywhere else I could think of to try and pick the mission back up to try again but to no avail. How can I pick this mission string back up?


Well...shes dead, and you cant exactly rescue anna vapor. Tip: whenever you fail a important mission (like that one) just self destruct. (unless yer playing w/ strict play, PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE! IF YOU ARE PLAYING W/ STRICT PLAY DONT SELF DESTRUCT! Unless you have an escape pod, but it still wouldnt be a good idea cuz u would hav ta get a good ship again)

Crazy Galaxy, Why am I
always caught in the
middle of all the Death,
Destruction, And Boom?
-Vice Admiral Jon


Vice Admiral Jon wrote:
**Well...shes dead, and you cant exactly rescue anna vapor. Tip: whenever you fail a important mission (like that one) just self destruct. (unless yer playing w/ strict play, PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE! IF YOU ARE PLAYING W/ STRICT PLAY DONT SELF DESTRUCT! Unless you have an escape pod, but it still wouldnt be a good idea cuz u would hav ta get a good ship again)

I should have thought of the self destruct thing, I have used that successfully in the past. It makes since that I can't resurrect the mission string but it stinks. :frown: I guess I'll have to make do without the UE Cruiser. Since I am playing this pilot with the Fourth Reich plug in I'll make due with either the Avenger or the Sherman II. A quick look at the EVO ships guide seems to make it look like the Sherman II is an upgrade over the UE cruiser. I have the Avenger now and I like it's speed but having a ship that could capture other ships easier would be nice.



Capt. B.A. Knutson wrote:
I should have thought of the self destruct thing, I have used that successfully in the past.

Another tip: if you fail in a crucial mission, don't jump out, & DON'T land anywhere. Just hit your "Esc" button & open the "Last Pilot" alias in your EVO Pilots file. This will start you on the last planet you landed at, mission intact & ready to try again.


"I dreamt I was a butterfly, but when I awoke, I thought I might actually be a butterfly, dreaming that I was a man."
-- Chuang-tze (330 BCE)