A teaser plug? -Shade of Blue also read please-

To all:
I was thinking of making up a quick plug-in, a kind of a preview for my "CR" plug-in, GWII. I thought it would be best to have it expand only the Emalgha part of the Universe and have all the new outfits, ships, weapons, planets... all the new Emalgha crap... as well as some missions. Anyone think this a good or bad idea? All opinions, thoughts and comments are very welcomed. Oh yea, I thought the Emalgha deserved some persons, anyone want an EMALGHA përs? If so specify if you want an Emalgha Fighter, Warship, Freighter, Carrier or "Cruiser" any specfic ship specs, must be somewhat NORMAL, meaning no disco machine gun or super shield modifications... also a Hail and Comm quote if you want. No more than five people please. Thanks.

To Shade of Blue:
Since I may be finishing the Emalgha Plug (if I decide to do it) I would need the Emalgha Station sometime soon. Maybe within two weeks? 😃
You said you needed deadlines, but if you have other things you need to work on that's fine, I can use the JPG you put up as a temp one for the plug. Thanks again.

Tear it down

Hey, that Emalgha plug in idea sounds very cool. I can write missions that go along with any type of storyline that you may have drawn up. If you still need help, just mail me.



Syre, I can get the Emalghia Station done pretty soon; heck it was practically done. Need pics for those carrier and cruiser things? Shouldn't take as long as the joint UE/Crescent ship I'm working on 'cause I'm still trying to come up with a good design that is both the crescent plastic-ness yet UE pointy-ness. An Emalghia ship would be easier, not that I'm backing down on the other one, it would be in addtition to.

Nah, I'll send it to you in pic format (in case it's large, you do have stuffit, right?), jpg's are icky. 😉


"Cannibals are people to."

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ShadeOfBlue wrote:
**Syre, I can get the Emalghia Station done pretty soon; heck it was practically done. Need pics for those carrier and cruiser things? Shouldn't take as long as the joint UE/Crescent ship I'm working on 'cause I'm still trying to come up with a good design that is both the crescent plastic-ness yet UE pointy-ness. An Emalghia ship would be easier, not that I'm backing down on the other one, it would be in addtition to.

Nah, I'll send it to you in pic format (in case it's large, you do have stuffit, right?), jpg's are icky. 😉

Well, actually I already have an Emalgha Carrier and Cruiser. I'll see what kind of feedback I get from the two, if people don't like them very much, you'll be the first to know 😃
What's the joint UE-Crescent ship? Is that the one you are doing for me with the blades... -is confused-
The 'blade' ship is for the Confederate government made of both the Strandless and independent human worlds, so the ships should look like both UE and Strandlike... so maybe that is what your talking about?

Tear it down

Oh yea, I got stuffit, and a very fast connection so send whatever you want, but make sure it is through mikewayne@ou.edu
If you send it to the one I have listed with the info, edit, reply crap... I still check it once every two days or so and the connection sucks.... it makes a good address in case of spam

Tear it down


Soviet mikee wrote:
**What's the joint UE-Crescent ship? Is that the one you are doing for me with the blades... -is confused-
The 'blade' ship is for the Confederate government made of both the Strandless and independent human worlds, so the ships should look like both UE and Strandlike... so maybe that is what your talking about?

Oh, I seemed to have gotten the notion that it was joint between the crescent and UE. But anyways, yes that's the one I meant.


"Cannibals are people to."

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)