Any Good Plug-Ins Out There??

Anyone know of any good plug-ins I could download?
Where could I get them from?
Does anyone know if they're bringing out a sequal to EVO or another type of space adventure game?



xxnashxx wrote:
**Anyone know of any good plug-ins I could download?
Where could I get them from?
Does anyone know if they're bringing out a sequal to EVO or another type of space adventure game?

Well, Reign of the Voinians, Reign II, and F-25 are very good plug-ins made by Bombcat. His site is gone, so I've got 'em up at my EVO site (check the sig). Fourth Reich by Blazer is also really good, you can find it at (url="http://"") . As for the sequel, sorry, there's none. There is an update to EVO (1.0.2) comming soon, but that's supposed to be the last one.

Micah L , (url="http://"")

Good plug ins? MINE MINE MINE, its called 'The 26th Century' Its coming out in about may-june (hopefully) so you can look forward to that. Also Femme Fatale and Frozen Heart are really good, you can get them from old MAC-Addict discs, they have a web page somewhere on the net. Star Wars 2 is also a pretty fun plug, it has damn crap missions and basic game concept, but the graphix are something, its just fun to see all tha different ships from the movies.

if you are interested in my plug in, just email me at


Have you tried DeathStar. I own the universe.