Questions for EVO veterans

Don't bother with any other ships. The UE Cruiser is for you. The toughest and baddest ship in the EVO universe! One Crusier can easily take out 2 or 3 Cresent Warships. No sweat.

-Captain Itkonen
UE Cruiser U.E.S. Dominant



Captain Itkonen wrote:
**Don't bother with any other ships. The UE Cruiser is for you. The toughest and baddest ship in the EVO universe! One Crusier can easily take out 2 or 3 Cresent Warships. No sweat.

-Captain Itkonen
UE Cruiser U.E.S. Dominant


The Azdgari ships really are bad, especially the small green fighter. Anyone with a few good turrets can knock out as many as the Azdgari send at them in little or no time (Just try taking over one of their planets for fun, its really easy). I have to disagree though that the best ship in the game is the UE Cruiser. Its shields, armor and speed (plus only 5 jumps of fuel) make it an inferior ship to the Igazra's war ship (even the game says its the most powerful warship!). One of those with 5 phase turrets (or neutron turrets if you get friendly with the Voinians for fun.....) will destroy almost any ship in a head to head fight. Taking on cresent warships is easy too.

Also, everyone should leave the fighter bays of EVO alone. In EV, the Kestrel with its two Lightning Fighter-Bombers kicked major A$$. The Manta and the Confed Patrol ship couldn't hold a candle the the Lightning. EVO doesn't have any ships like that. I had a Kestrel (and using the infamous tractor beam trick) I was able to capture an even 20 lightnings (if you want to learn the trick, just ask) and 20 could take down a Confed Cruiser, even 10 could, but EVO doesn't have any small fighters as versitle as that. All the Strand fighters have simple phase cannons, the UE fighters are slow, and the Voinian fighters are just stupid and slow. If EVO had fighters with weapons like the Lightning from EV then getting fighters would be worth it, but fighters just get blown away by the bigger ships, and drain your wallet.

As I travel through the
gates of hell to face the
deamons, I know my knife
is by my side, and that
all hell can't stop me

You can get the Voinian armor after you rescue the Voinian defector AND rebuild Pareen Station.

And what is this "infamous tractor beam trick"? I have never heard of it.
"...My, my, this here Anakin guy. May be Vader some day later, now he's just a small fry..."


BackSTABa wrote:
The Azdgari ships really are bad, especially the small green fighter. Anyone with a few good turrets can knock out as many as the Azdgari send at them in little or no time (Just try taking over one of their planets for fun, its really easy). I have to disagree though that the best ship in the game is the UE Cruiser. Its shields, armor and speed (plus only 5 jumps of fuel) make it an inferior ship to the Igazra's war ship (even the game says its the most powerful warship!). One of those with 5 phase turrets (or neutron turrets if you get friendly with the Voinians for fun.....) will destroy almost any ship in a head to head fight. Taking on cresent warships is easy too.

Also, everyone should leave the fighter bays of EVO alone. In EV, the Kestrel with its two Lightning Fighter-Bombers kicked major A$$. The Manta and the Confed Patrol ship couldn't hold a candle the the Lightning. EVO doesn't have any ships like that. I had a Kestrel (and using the infamous tractor beam trick) I was able to capture an even 20 lightnings (if you want to learn the trick, just ask) and 20 could take down a Confed Cruiser, even 10 could, but EVO doesn't have any small fighters as versitle as that. All the Strand fighters have simple phase cannons, the UE fighters are slow, and the Voinian fighters are just stupid and slow. If EVO had fighters with weapons like the Lightning from EV then getting fighters would be worth it, but fighters just get blown away by the bigger ships, and drain your wallet.

Yes, a regular Azdara sucks when it's flown by AI, but by adding an experiment and regular shield generators and 4 shield enhancers makes it invincible in UE space, even if you are not that great a pilot. The only time it can be taken down is with 3 or more destroyers/carriers firing at you. In Voinian and damn near everywhere it is amazing.

And yes, I can take down an Igazra with it... quite easily at that 😃

Tear it down


Soviet mikee wrote:
**Yes, a regular Azdara sucks when it's flown by AI, but by adding an experiment and regular shield generators and 4 shield enhancers makes it invincible in UE space, even if you are not that great a pilot. The only time it can be taken down is with 3 or more destroyers/carriers firing at you. In Voinian and damn near everywhere it is amazing.

And yes, I can take down an Igazra with it... quite easily at that 😃


First off, the tractor beam trick was devised by my brother and myself in the origional EV. Ever seen someone take over the ENTIRE GALAXY (Including Sol!!!), well, since EV only has a resource for 36 (I think its that much, maybe 34) ships in system, with 34 fighters, yourself and with any luck an escort, Sol only sends out one Cruiser to fight you. With that, Earth and Luna can be yours, hehe. The tractor beam trick requires you to disable a Lightning (ships like Manta's and Patrol ships can't be disabled, so the trick doesn't work).

YOU MUST HAVE THE TRACTOR BEAM FROM THE REBELS TO DO THIS. First disable a Kestrel, but let the Lightnings fly around like crazy. Then disable the Lightnings, and using the tractor beam, slowely PUSH them (If you pull them onto the kestrel the trick doesn't work.) onto the Kestrel. They will flash green and dissapear inside the Kestrel. If the trick is done right, the tractor beam will flicker for a second across the Kestrel, jumping around slightly. Now, simply board the Kestrel and as ammunition there will be Lightning Fighter-Bombers. Over time, your ship can hold infinite fighters, but you can't buy more than two!!!!! It takes practice and it does work, just work at it.

Now, about the Azdara, that little bugger is invincible in UE space because UE ships suck, period. Take that into the Strand areas, and you may last long in a fight, but any AI (especially in 1.0.2) will take you down, period. If your unlucky enough to run into an Igazra, its SAE modules will wipe you out if you fly into the three shot burst. Also, the Azdara has 19 shields standard, but a dispersal rocked does 15 damage (150 in resource ID, but always divide by 10), so that plus the 5 phase turrets located on the Igazra make quick work of those little pests.

Tractor beam trick - A TM of BackSTABa's cheap A$$

As I travel through the
gates of hell to face the
deamons, I know my knife
is by my side, and that
all hell can't stop me

If you want the vionion armor just dominate a vionion world. Worked for me.