Questions for EVO veterans

I have a bunch of questions for some experienced EVO players.

First I would like to get the vionion armor. I started out with the UE without knowing that it was possible to join the vionions. I have recieved the cloak and just got the vionion dreadnaught destruction mission. Is it to late to join the vionions? Would it be to late to do after I complete this mission? What would the best way to go about this be? Should I get a new identification to clear my record or just try killing renegades? Where do I get this vionion mission string anyways?

The second question involves the Azdgari. I joined with the Azdgari because I kept hearing they had the best ship. I have a crescent warship valued at about 13 million, however, I don't want to upgrade to the azdara fighter bay. It just takes too much space for me to stomach. What would people's advice be shipwise? Should I work for the UE warship? Or will getting the vionion armor be enough for me to knock out the izdghari warships without sweating?
Another question I have involving the Azdgari relates to a special shield generator they have. I heard they make a "gift" of a generator which is better than the normal one. I have been doing loads of missions for them and still haven't recieved it. I am getting rather tired of doing raiding missions which just worsen my rating with other systems. The evacuation missions are rather boring also. What do I need to do to get their "special" shield generator. (Not the one available on the planet)

Also I would really like to get the zhadara missle defense system. I have a rating of felon in their system. If I improve my rating would it still be possible to get their mission string? What would you recommend for improving my rating? Must I get a new identification? I am kind of opposed to it because that would destroy all good planet relations I have.

--please excuse spelling errors relating to the names of the alien races 😉
"the best don't always

(This message has been edited by DaboliX (edited 03-05-2000).)

Its too late to do Voinian missions once you've done any UE missions. Good luck with the Azdargi thing. But, you can't do missions for Iggy or Ziggy once you've started Azdargi missions (unless you get the triple agent plug).


So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

so you have to choose when you start whether you want to join one of the three aliens?
and i really can't do any vionion missions now?

"the best don't always

Really. Of course, you can start a new Voinian game, but they have pretty hard missions and you make enemies with just about everyone. As for the strand Azdargi was a good choice, and a miranu ECM system is pretty good.


So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

Right. The Azdgari missions you are doing are repeat ones. If you do a mission that sounds exactly like one you just did, then its a repeat and wont get you any further.

I suggest you look around at other planets in Azdgari space. I think one in Azdgari (system) has the shield generator mission... MAYBE. I am not that sure.

Again, you can only join one strand per pilot. Same with UE and Voinians.

The Azdgari Warship is fairly good, but they REALLY shine on their fighter, the Azdara. Add the "gift" generator and the regular generator and 4 shield enhancers... and you are invinsible in UE space. Thats why it would be good to do some Voinian missions with an Azdara.


Unfortunately, most new players end up siding with UE and Ziggy because they are the first missions you find. Its pretty hard to start out as a voinian and the Azdargi and Igadzra missions are hard 2 find. THey shoudl let you pick your race at the beginning. Maybe i should make a plug... Or maybe not cause i suck at making 'em.


So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

would everyone agree that the vionions are better to pick over the UE because of the armor you can then purchase?

"the best don't always

Depends. If you plan on fighting vs. strand, go Voinian, cause the phase cannon does almost no damage to armor. If you're going against UE or Emalgha, Voinians aren't good. But UE sux major, so you're generally right. The only thing UE is good against is Emalgha and maybe Voinian (Blaze cannons suck, rockets aren't turreted, Hunter missles are easily outrun.)


So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

If I started a new pilot and sided with the vionions rather the UE, and also the azdgari like I did the first time, would my ship be able to comfortably hold the vionion armor and the azdara bay? Seems like a very tight fit to me, if at all possible.

"the best don't always

What ship would you have. Its likely that it wouldn't fit too well unless you got a Voinian Cruiser and sold the V fighter bay. Other than that it would be a very tight fit, and you'd need mass expansions, etc.

So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

You can have a Crescent Warship with an Azdara Bay and Bronev and Dospect Armor. You couldn't have the ONE of following though... (ie: you can have 1 & 3, but not 2)

  1. Upgrades to your ship (ie RCS, Engine etc...)

  2. Upgrades to your shields, you would have to limit enhancers and generators

  3. Little cargo (due to mass expansions


So you can have Bronev, dospect (sp?), and an azdara bay, but nothing else? That sux.

So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

READ!!!! 😃

I said you can have 2 of the 3, not NONE of the three.

All you have to give up is all your cargo space, OR your ships "flexibility" OR shield superiority.

I think anyways... I am not 100% sure though.


i thought that RCS, engine, etc didn't take up any space. But they're a lot more ex$pen$ive than in EV. O well.


So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

Get the Azdara bay! They are the best fighters in the game!



Esvaem6 wrote:
**Its too late to do Voinian missions once you've done any UE missions.


That's a lie. I have done it. I did the first few Voinian missions, up until the one were you attack the Bakka system. Then I had a change of heart and did the UE missions, including destroying the dreadnaught. Then I went back to the Voinian side and did the Emalgha missions.

"You all look like happy campers to me. In fact, you are happy campers. You always have been happy campers. As far as I'm concerned, you'll always be happy campers."

-Dan Quayle on a 1990 state trip to Samolia


OctoberFost wrote:


Esvaem6 wrote:
**Its too late to do Voinian missions once you've done any UE missions.


That's a lie. I have done it. I did the first few Voinian missions, up until the one were you attack the Bakka system. Then I had a change of heart and did the UE missions, including destroying the dreadnaught. Then I went back to the Voinian side and did the Emalgha missions.


No it's not. The point is that you can do the UE missions after the Voinian ones (as you did even if you did drop the Voinian string and pick it up later), but not the other way round.


Well, guess it's time for one of the big boys to step in and set things straight.

Ok, the Voinian missions are hinged on the UE/Pax Station missions, where you rescue the defector. If you've done that mission you can't do the Voinian missions. You can however do the UE/Emalgha/Hinwar Objective and then start the Voinian missions, you just can't finish them though because of a missing place or two.

You can however do the Defector missions and the UE Objective after having done the Voinian missions, so do the Voinian missions first and you can still do all the UE ones.

BTW, you get the Voinian missions at Pax Station once you have a high enough combat rating, I forget what the rating should be though.

As for the Adzgari, the ship you heard about was that little green fighter, the Azdara. People like it because of it's speed and shield regenerati
on speed. Makes the ship nearly invincible with a good pilot. You also can only do one Strand for the game, unless you have Triple-Agent or a similar plug-in. In which case, do the Igazdra first, then the Zidagar, then the Adzgari. If you do the missions in any other way, you can't finish because of planets having been destroyed.

If you have a fast ship and know your way around the galaxy, you can start two Strands and finish them both off, you just have to be careful.

Hope this helps you.

One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of old towns without meeting with an instrument of time.

Time is visible in all places.

Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all.

In this world, a second is a second is a second.

Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.

Time is an infinite ruler.

Time is absolute.

It is possible to get the voinian armour if you do the UE missions. You don't have to be on the Voinian's side. All you have to do is get the Hinwar missions, carry them out and then you can get some (I think)voinian technology. At least the armour turreted rocket (haven't found the launcher) their gun and I may have forgot something. You get the Hinwar missions on the newly taken over planet of the Emalgha after completing the mission strand you get from the Emalgha> WHich you get by hanging around the red planet in Emalghion and destroying voinians to increase your legal status. You can also get some voinian technology when you first land of the Emalhga planet formerly Voinian but when you leave and come back the voinian stuff is gone

Hopes this makes sense.

Some Voinian tech (armor & neutron turrets -- which I like to combine with phase cannons for devastating effect on everyone except Voinians) is also available on Paaren Station (which you help to build to completion).


"I dreamt I was a butterfly, but when I awoke, I thought I might actually be a butterfly, dreaming that I was a man."
-- Chuang-tze (330 BCE)