Vionian Dreadnaught...ahh, yes.

'lo all. Say, does anyone know if you can get the Vionian Dreadnaught by joining the Vionians? Or is that ship just impossible to get nomatter what? I'd really like the Dreadnaught...

-Captain Itkonen
UE Cruiser U.E.S. Dominant



You can capture it if you disable it, then abort the mission. Good luck - you have a miniscule chance, and the Dreadnought is a crappy ship for players anyway.

It's spelled 'Voinian,' not 'Vionian.'

"Be quiet. I'm inspiring you."
-my Spanish teacher


ColdFusion wrote:

You can capture it if you disable it, then abort the mission. Good luck - you have a miniscule chance, and the Dreadnought is a crappy ship for players anyway.

It's spelled 'Voinian,' not 'Vionian.'


Voinian, Vionian, the Dreadnought is a great ship. It may be slow, but with turn and thrust upgrades, it is not unmanigable. Also, it has enhanced neutron turrets, which are super powerful, the Salvo Rocket Turrets are standard, and the most powerful of UE/Voinian weapons. Also, with 10 Interceptors, it can kick UE ships into the dust. Oh, and as an added note, 1500 armor and 150 shields are pretty darn good. Just get the mission to destroy that friggin ship, disable it, abort the mission, and try to capture it. For the quick kill, get a larger ship, like Igazra (can last the longest) and use Miranu defense pods all over it like a maniac. THey don't hurt you, and kick ass against armor. Also, get the Azdara and fly around it like a freaky fly, but then your crew will be too small to stand a chance. Give it a try though, with that ship you can take on just about anything.

As I travel through the
gates of hell to face the
deamons, I know my knife
is by my side, and that
all hell can't stop me