Philcat Tatics

This is how I fight in the nebula,
1)Buy as many needle missles and racks as you can .
2)Find a ship without turrets.
3)Dive at it firing your needle missles.
4)Cicle around it fireing your needle missles and blazes.
5)If ship has turrets make a wider cicle out of their gun range.

This type of combat works best in the nebula, but you can adapt your own verson
to where you hang out. 😄


Yeah, needle missles kick ass. They aren't that poweful, but they're fast and you can hold a butt load because they don't weigh anything.


"Cannibals are people to."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Have you tried an Igazra, philcat? Those work really well on the nebulas(but you won´t want to run out of SAEs there).

Communism vs. Capitalism
Confeds vs. Rebels
MacOS vs. Windows OR
Rebellious Rebels that use MacOS and are headed by a S. Jobs vs.

Communist Confeds that use Winblows and are headed by a B.Gates.
AIM: EVCorvette

Yes, I must agree, but my methods can make a krat destroy a Helian, or a Helian
destroy a Turncoat,
and no I've never used a Igazra, but I here they rock, where can I get one,I have 15 mill, is that enough? 🆒


Yes, I disable a turncoat in a Krat useing my methods, I rock. 🆒


To get an Igazra you have got to finish the Igazra´s mission string. They begin in the Miranu world Kitrak.

Communism vs. Capitalism
Confeds vs. Rebels
MacOS vs. Windows OR
Rebellious Rebels that use MacOS and are headed by a S. Jobs vs.

Communist Confeds that use Winblows and are headed by a B.Gates.
AIM: EVCorvette

Only one question, how do I get the Igazra mission string, the only ones I've done are UE?


Yes, I have destroyed a UE Carrier,using a krat!!!!!!! 🆒
