Big big problem with plug-in

I ajm building an EVO expansion type plug and I have struck a problem I don't know how to fix.

I have two systems adjacent to each other in the SW quadrant and when I jump into either one of them and scan or interrogate a spob the game crashes. But if I hold the jump key down as I jump in, I jump immediately and go straight through both systems.

Can anybody clue me in as to what might be the problems?


Well, Kevin, I've never expierienced this, but if I were to take a guess, I would suggest checking in two places..
1.Look in the Spob's rsc and make sure that the system it is linked to is the correct system you want it in
2.Look in the Syst's rsc and make sure that the spob is the correct one listed..

If I had to guess, I'd say you've crossed them accidentally..that might explain why it crashes only when you try to work with the spobs..also, check the spins for the planet and the spob type, landing pics..etc..



The only thing I can think of is to grab the EVO Annotated Bible (sp?) in one hand and look at each field very carefully. It sounds like maybe the dude fields don't add up to 100% in the system resource or something. If you can't find it I would suggest getting the EVO Plug Checker at: (url="http://"") It's an amazing tool that can help track down even the most elusive bugs.


(url="http://"")Commonwealth Software(/url)

I'm curious why you think Dudes would have anything to do with scanning spobs...


Make sure you don't have a dude probability set to 0, especially if you're using EV edit. If you get a type 11 error, then that is your problem for sure.

"There is no prostitution in China; however, we do have some women who make love for money"

-Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson


Kevin Jordan wrote:

I have two systems adjacent to each other in the SW quadrant and when I jump into either one of them and scan or interrogate a spob the game crashes. But if I hold the jump key down as I jump in, I jump immediately and go straight through both systems.


Well after good advice I trashed EVO and my pilot file and all works perfectly.

I note that EV plug checker gives missing or incorrect dude data as a possible cause of crashes



Kevin Jordan wrote:
I note that EV plug checker gives missing or incorrect dude data as a possible cause of crashes

Yes, that is because incorrect or missing dude data can cause crashes. There was a major problem with New Republic crashing due to improper dude specifications.
