Bounty Hunter

I have a deadly rating and I took over a sew planets. Now, every other system has this stupid Crescent Warship bounty hunter that goes after me. I kill iit and it comes back. Any ideas (liked capturing it, which i can never do b/c of bad odds).

So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...


Esvaem6 wrote:
**I have a deadly rating and I took over a sew planets. Now, every other system has this stupid Crescent Warship bounty hunter that goes after me. I kill iit and it comes back. Any ideas (liked capturing it, which i can never do b/c of bad odds).


Learn C++, get the source code, program it out of the game 🙂

"It is not polution that is harming the ecosystem, it is the impurities in air and water that are harming it."
-Dan Quayle

Any other fabulous ideas?

So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

i can think of two options:

  1. keep fighting 'em back. you want tribute money you gotta fight for it.
  2. make a plug that puts the bounty hunters in shuttlecraft or change their AI to "wimpy traders" or remove all their weapons or change whether they attack or not. I believe the bounty hunters are the third to last Düde resource, and you may want to check the Përs resource too.

if you choose the 2nd option, have fun cheating.
but, if you keep killing the bounty hunters it's a "good thing"™ 'cuz your combat rating goes up (duh) and the bounty hunters don't have an inherent gov't that gets pissed off either.

"what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
"a stick."

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

yeah i have the same problem, i domminated Huron, becaus ethe militia were giving me trouble, and now everysecond system i get the same bounty hunter chasing after me, but i got a Igazra, so it is good to get a big combat rating. also robins ideas were heaps good use them!


Ya, but I dominated that Voinian piece of $**T planet 5 jumps south of Emalghawhu in a helian. I had gotten up to Deadly real fast. And my arada or whatever I have doesn't do so fabulous against a C. Warship. Maybe I should get the UE Cruiser.


So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

I made a plug with resedit that changed every field in "Bounty Hunter" to -1. By doing this EV/O gets confused. It doesn't have a clue where to put the Bounty Hunter. It's very easy to do. Takes very little time (appr. 5 minutes). And makes it possibly to take over the entire universe without every having to deal with it coming after you. It's not a plug that ruins the game experience because aside from never having to deal with the hunter, it changes nothing. It works on the same idea as registering the game does for getting rid of cap'n hector.

P.S. This trick does not work on Cap'n Hector. To make him go away you must register.

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

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AIM -- JolJvik

Has anyone seen "Hunters when they arn't looking for you, the leader pilots a Frigate, you know those ones that fronter express uses, named Steel Claw.

P.S. Has anyone seen Andrew Welich's Frighter, it takes a C. warship to Destroy it. 🙂
