I have issues. Big issues...

Alright, a few problems....

I have a UE Carrier as a ship... at least, I think that's what its called... it's the big United Earth ship that can pump out the UE Fighters. Anyway.... my ship has lots of upgrades, and is all around pretty badass...

But, I find myself with 2 problems.

First off, every single time I make a jump, a small fleet of renegade ships pops into the sector and attacks me. This happens EVERYWHERE, even on Sol. This is really, really, really annoying. Pesky little needle missile buggers. Help???

Secondly... I've run across a sort of impossible mission. There is this one planet that houses a secret base.. the mission was to drop an agent onto the planet, and to let him do his magic. Well, I did this, and then returned to the planet who assigned the mission to me. They tell me now to go pick him up, but they give a time limit. And just jumping from the target planet and back takes more time than the mission gives.

Sorry for my lack of clarity, I'll post some planet names next time I open EV. I just spent the last half hour trying to dial up (DIE MINN.NET! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!... stupid ISP)... so, that's that. Any help is greatly... required. 😃

Wow, Boss... that was strange.

No, Loiosh, that was normal. It's just that some normal things are stranger than others.

Hmmm... ok, I just spend some time messing around with EV... and I have some more questions.

I have another pilot, in a.... Crescent Warship.... maybe it's not called that.... it's the triangular shaped blue Crescent ship.... I just figured out the "taking over planets" thing... anyway, yeah. you all don't care. 😃

My question is.... well, what is the best kind of weapon for my ship? As of now, my ship has:

3 Yellow Turrets (not the blaze turrets, the other ones)
A fighter bay for crescent ships (kinda useful)
Pursuit missile launcher/missiles

And those are its main features... trade in value is at 13 million. it's a beefy little SOB. But, I get rather annoyed with the yellow turrets, they rarely hit their mark.. unlike the blaze turrets on my other account (UE Carrier)... that thing just tears up the offense. Suggestions? Thank you.

Wow, Boss... that was strange.

No, Loiosh, that was normal. It's just that some normal things are stranger than others.

Throw away your crescent fighter bay and buy the shield upgrades, shield booster (and experimental sh. booster), all the engine upgrade (turning, accel, max speed), you could add dospect plating and bronev plating too. And for the turrets there is a little bug, but version 1.0.2 should fix it. The "yellow turrets are the best against shield so if you stay in the crescent you should keep them, or you go to voinian space or paaren station and buy neutron weapon (they kick shield and armor but low fire rate and they are BIG). For the
UE cruiser problem use res edit to modify the ship's mass below a 100 tons. For the pirates you I don't know what to do because at they hate you sooooo much they
send "bounty" hunters at you... solution destroy the little ships.

I'll Eliminat u!


Elimi-Nation wrote:
Throw away your crescent fighter bay and buy the shield upgrades, shield booster (and experimental sh. booster), all the engine upgrade (turning, accel, max speed), you could add dospect plating and bronev plating too.

Well... I have the shield upgrades (4 of 'em).... and all the engine upgrades. But, what is the shield booster and experimental sb? The upgrade I have... well, in the Outfit ship menu, it looks like a metal can. 😃


Elimi-Nation wrote:
And for the turrets there is a little bug, but version 1.0.2 should fix it. The "yellow turrets are the best against shield so if you stay in the crescent you should keep them, or you go to voinian space or paaren station and buy neutron weapon (they kick shield and armor but low fire rate and they are BIG).

Alright, thanks for the advice. I'll take a look at the neutron weapon....


Elimi-Nation wrote:

For the
UE cruiser problem use res edit to modify the ship's mass below a 100 tons. For the pirates you I don't know what to do because at they hate you sooooo much they
send "bounty" hunters at you... solution destroy the little ships.

Dah... I'm just gonna forget about my UE Carrier file.... it pisses me off. slow piece of crap =)... I think what I did with the UE Carrier is declare sides in the Strand war.... that might've gotten the rebels to follow me around in..... unlimited numbers.

Oh... which reminds me... I tried taking over a rebel planet.... and those ****s keep coming and coming... same thing happened when I tried it again. Is it actually possible to take over the rebels?

Thanks. Later.

Wow, Boss... that was strange.

No, Loiosh, that was normal. It's just that some normal things are stranger than others.


Panth3000 wrote:
**Alright, a few problems....

I have a UE Carrier as a ship... at least, I think that's what its called... it's the big United Earth ship that can pump out the UE Fighters. Anyway.... my ship has lots of upgrades, and is all around pretty badass...

But, I find myself with 2 problems.

First off, every single time I make a jump, a small fleet of renegade ships pops into the sector and attacks me. This happens EVERYWHERE, even on Sol. This is really, really, really annoying. Pesky little needle missile buggers. Help???(B)

Are you looking for Anna Balishova? If so the renegades are going to be bugging you until you find the clue. (Freeport is a hint)

(B)Secondly... I've run across a sort of impossible mission. There is this one planet that houses a secret base.. the mission was to drop an agent onto the planet, and to let him do his magic. Well, I did this, and then returned to the planet who assigned the mission to me. They tell me now to go pick him up, but they give a time limit. And just jumping from the target planet and back takes more time than the mission gives.

Sorry for my lack of clarity, I'll post some planet names next time I open EV. I just spent the last half hour trying to dial up (DIE MINN.NET! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!... stupid ISP)... so, that's that. Any help is greatly... required. 😃

Big ships are slow - there are several missions that have time limits. A solution would be to capture a fairly good small ship (Arada, Lazira) and use your carrier as an escort.
