how to make lots of money

alright heres what you do, get your self a crescent warship (thats what I did it in- you could probably do it something less) take over the azgardi (total sinch) go to ue space and hire a bunch of the huge freighter things then jump all over the place. the frieghters cost a little under 8 grand a day but it makes your jump like 4 days so you should get liked 60 grand a jump i think.



Hippieguy wrote:

alright heres what you do, get your self a crescent warship (thats what I did it in- you could probably do it something less) take over the azgardi (total sinch) go to ue space and hire a bunch of the huge freighter things then jump all over the place. the frieghters cost a little under 8 grand a day but it makes your jump like 4 days so you should get liked 60 grand a jump i think.

well... yeah, that's kinda what taking over planets is all about... making cash. I don't follow the hiring of freighters for escorts.... how does that make you cash? If you just jump around on your own after taking over the Azgardi, you'll make lots more.

Or, if you're lazy, like I am... and you need money in a flash.... you download the Advanced Character Edit program, open up the EV Override module, and deposit 500,000,000,000,000 credits into your account. 😄

Wow, Boss... that was strange.

No, Loiosh, that was normal. It's just that some normal things are stranger than others.

What he means (I think) is that he thinks that escorts slow hyperspace travel time (this is untrue). The more days in h-space, the more $$$. So, if you get a UE Cruiser, then you will get lots of money in h-space, and the same goes with a V Cruiser, and any other really big slow ship.

Also, I don't think your way is the best for money making. The BEST way (w/o cheating) is to trade. Go to the Emalgha planet w/ 6 M. Heavy freighters and you can make millions in like 10 seconds. Good luck.


So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...