UE Mission

I know you people have all completed most of the main objectives, which had previously done. Now I have to start all over (lost my file) and I don't remember where any of the mission strings start. Right now I'm looking for some of the UE missions. I have only gotten the one to take supplies to Pareen Station, take supplies to Outpost Gamma/Alpha/Theta. Where should I be looking? Help is greatly appreciated. Thank you to you pros.



Beast wrote:
**I know you people have all completed most of the main objectives, which had previously done. Now I have to start all over (lost my file) and I don't remember where any of the mission strings start. Right now I'm looking for some of the UE missions. I have only gotten the one to take supplies to Pareen Station, take supplies to Outpost Gamma/Alpha/Theta. Where should I be looking? Help is greatly appreciated. Thank you to you pros.

Try going into the bar at New Taranto (spelling?) to do the missions that lets you get the UE Cruiser. Also, go into the bar at Huron so you can liberate it and get the needle jammer.

P.S. You probably need a good combat and citizen rating.

"Arthur Philip Dent?" pursued the alien in a kind of efficient yap.
"Er...er...yes...er...er...," confirmed Arthur.
"Your're a jerk," repeated the alien, "a complete kneebiter."


Beast wrote:
**I know you people have all completed most of the main objectives, which had previously done. Now I have to start all over (lost my file) and I don't remember where any of the mission strings start. Right now I'm looking for some of the UE missions. I have only gotten the one to take supplies to Pareen Station, take supplies to Outpost Gamma/Alpha/Theta. Where should I be looking? Help is greatly appreciated. Thank you to you pros.

It sounds like you should be looking on all the mission computers for more Parren delivery stuff. If you've done that and Parren Station is now open you've got to head towards Emalghia space and see what comes of that 🙂
