Can some of you nice people help me out here??

Hey there guys,I have a question about EVO,I downloaded it and when I excitedly double clicked and open it,about 2 seconds into the very beggining of opening the game,the intro stopped and this message appeared in one of those alert boxes:

Sorry,EV needs at least an additional 90k of memory to run in this resolution.Please increase it's memory allocation and try again.

Any ideas???How do I increase the memory allocation?Some support would be fabulous!!Thanks!!!!

"Forgive your enemies,but don't forget their names..."



Gryphon wrote:
**Hey there guys,I have a question about EVO,I downloaded it and when I excitedly double clicked and open it,about 2 seconds into the very beggining of opening the game,the intro stopped and this message appeared in one of those alert boxes:

Sorry,EV needs at least an additional 90k of memory to run in this resolution.Please increase it's memory allocation and try again.

Any ideas???How do I increase the memory allocation?Some support would be fabulous!!Thanks!!!!

"Forgive your enemies,but don't forget their names..."


Get Info in the file menu

"You all look like happy campers to me. In fact, you are happy campers. You always have been happy campers. As far as I'm concerned, you'll always be happy campers."

-Dan Quayle on a 1990 state trip to Samolia

Man, I pity you. Why do you have a PC yet you like yo mama's Mac? You can sell off your personal PC and buy a Power Mac 7600 and use that for EVO. The prices for those are down to 400-500 dollars, and you can buy a converter to use your PC monitor with your Mac. I have 5 old Macs, and I'd never give them away, even my vintage 128k. You'll love it. Heck, I chromed two of my computers with that car wheel spray paint and painted another neon green with yellow racing stripes down the front. Man, that part was pointless, but DITCH the PC!!! If you can sell it for more than 1100 bucks then you have yourself an iMac! Heck, if you can sell it for $850 you have yourself a 333mHz iMac! I have a 266mHz iMac that's a few days over a year old, and I'm happy as buttons on a shirt. Really now.

Don't pity him. Just help him. That's why he posted.


Get info for EVO and increase each the preffered size and minimum size by at lest 90k than it should work but if it still dosen't reduce the screen resolution and that should fix your problem 🙂

I hope this helps


"I shall one day rule the world!!! HA HA HAHa Ha Ha ha ha ha..."

Thanks!I knew u were nice people!!!! hehe 🙂


There are plenty of mean people ou there, but nice people are in short supply. Could you tell me how I could find some?

In order to find the nice people, do this:

1: Get a time machine.
2: Go back about two years
3: Go to the REAL boards.

We were more helpful then, there were also more helpful ones, such as Skull (Long Live His Memory And His Ships), -david- (who still shows up), GoldenH, and others.

One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of old towns without meeting with an instrument of time.

Time is visible in all places.

Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all.

In this world, a second is a second is a second.

Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.

Time is an infinite ruler.

Time is absolute.


forge wrote:
**In order to find the nice people, do this:

1: Get a time machine.
2: Go back about two years
3: Go to the REAL boards.

We were more helpful then, there were also more helpful ones, such as Skull (Long Live His Memory And His Ships), -david- (who still shows up), GoldenH, and others.

Yeah, times were good then (and you don't have to go back as far as two years either), but there seem to be some good folk coming here too. You're still around for example 🙂 and, check it out, Bombcat answered a post on F-25 recently (yayyy).

Oh, and by the way, Time is a cultural construct.
