PC Version


Two years ago I had an Apple. I sold it. But on it was Escape Velocity. And I can't play that now I have a IBM-compatible! I visited your website and saw Overide. I am now drooling with the desire....and buying a new Apple is out of the question. So please, do me and a lot others, and also yourselfs a big favor and make this game work on the IBM-compatible!


Rogier van den Broek


IT WON'T EVER HAPPEN!!! Sorry, you CAN use an emulator like (url="http://"http://www.ardi.com")Executor(/url), all emulators will result in a crappy, jerky, soundless game. Your best bet is to get an old Quadra for $50 on eBay. Ambrosia is a Mac-only company, and EV/O runs on the resource fork, so porting it would be a total rewrite.


"Je deteste Wyndoze!"

Join #dragonmac on SorceryNet!

Oh no, not again. Go to (url="http://"http://www.ardi.com")www.ardi.com(/url) to get Executor, a Mac emulator for PC. Also, try reading some of the messages on this board first - several ignorant PC users have already asked for EVO for PC and learned the unhappy truth.

Don't go Mac bashing either - but at least you're a former Mac owner.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove


turbro wrote:

Two years ago I had an Apple. I sold it. But on it was Escape Velocity. And I can't play that now I have a IBM-compatible! I visited your website and saw Overide. I am now drooling with the desire....and buying a new Apple is out of the question. So please, do me and a lot others, and also yourselfs a big favor and make this game work on the IBM-compatible!


Rogier van den Broek



We had this same topic twice just last week. Before you're submerged, never to be seen again, beneath the inevitable tidal wave of flames which you're about to attract (how about a bit of restraint this time guys? We keep driving people away) I'll lay out the party line:

  • Ambrosia has announced its intention never to release EV or EVO for the PC or any other non-Mac platform.

  • Nor, before you ask, will they release a multi-player version, nice though it would be.

  • Ambrosia is a Mac publisher, and has no Windows programming arm.

  • The game was written by Matt Burch, not Ambrosia. Matt now has a Life (version 2.0.4 stable apparently) and has no time for EV/EVO.

  • EV/EVO relies on the Mac's resource fork for it's plug-ins to work. This feature is not present on the PC.

  • However, it's flattering to think that EV holds this sort of attraction for people, even after two years exposure to the PC games environment, so ignore any flames and abuse which may (almost certainly) follow.


(This message has been edited by Rooster (edited 03-07-2000).)

Hell ** fire**

aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGH!!!!!!! WILL ALL OF THESE PEOPLE PLEASE SHUT UP with the "oh can I have EV on PC please please pleeeease?" messages! It's annoying the utter CRAP out of me!!!!!!!!