Need Download Help

I recently tried downloading EVO from Ambrosia's ftp mirrors using Internet Explorer 4.5, but every time I tried downloading it, an error occured. Using Netscape 4.61 works, but it takes about 45 minutes (gasp!). Is there a problem with the mirrors, or is it just my computer?

One more thing, is the EVO 1.0.1 download the updated version?

Thanks a bundle. 🙂


Yesssssss! I'm finally registered!


Gekko wrote:
**I recently tried downloading EVO from Ambrosia's ftp mirrors using Internet Explorer 4.5, but every time I tried downloading it, an error occured. Using Netscape 4.61 works, but it takes about 45 minutes (gasp!). Is there a problem with the mirrors, or is it just my computer?

One more thing, is the EVO 1.0.1 download the updated version?

Thanks a bundle. 🙂


Um, I think it's something wrong with the mirrors, same happened to me with IE 4.5. And 1.0.1 is the current vers.


"Je deteste Wyndoze!"

ONe thing you can do to help speed things up (short of buying a faster modem/faster connection) is to close all other programs that use the internet. That includes all the browser windows other than the window that has the download status. Also, try using a dedicated FTP client, like Fetch.

(Insert witty remark here)