Little Help Here?

Ok, I have a Lazira and I'm saving up to get whatever. I get all these credits from raiding Turncoats or even trading in UE space (Miser's Run). I get like 10 million credits and head up to Miranu or over to Iggy space to get some cool space and by the time I get there, that insane parrot takes like 7 million and i have nothing left. I have all kindsa ways to keep money saved and away from the bird (like "investing" in space mines) but I can't sell the mines in strand/Miranu space and I always end up broke. I want something cool (C Warship?) but I can't and I mean can't register (not the money issue, but some other stuff). Anyone who can help reply or email me.

So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

You needn't sell the mines - they add value to your ship trade-in.

Why can't you register? I waited about 480 days and played about 180 hours of EVO before I sent in registration.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

Ok, ill keep the mines.
I can't register because i can only play EV at school (long story) and they don't like games registered to individuals. I hope they don't even know i down loaded it. 🙂

So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...

Hey, if you play at school, get Avara and tell all your friends to get Avara - it's specially designed for people in your fix, and it's a classic network action game.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

K, but remember that I don't have too much time to play at school AND that the techie people don't really know the game is on the computers. I think 20 peeps all screaming and battling each other might tip them off.

Any way, thanx,

BTW, at my old school we had a registered copy of EVO but i forgot all the names and numbers. That bites. Of course if anyone happens to have registered under the name Esvaem6 and has the i wouldn't go that far (email me).


So what if they say I'm a stupid loser? I can beat the snot out of 'em at C&C;: TS...