Star wars 3?

Everyone, yes everyone knows what star wars 2 is.
If you don't, where have you been the past year?

Its one of the best plugs for EV/EVO, but it has a few flaws.

1. Its missions don't follow the books (not that i know the books, friends do.

2. And its set after the movies, but it still has all the same ships from the movies?

I rekon we should get a few people together, die hard star war fans, good mission makers, and remake the star wars 2 plug and call it star wars 3.
All we have to do is make all new missions, and set it during the movies.

Is this a good idea?

can we do it without cheezing of the dude who made it (sorry for not mentioning you name i forgot it sorry) is it alright with him?

what do ya think?



Aren't you working on another project with 10 spöbs in every system?
Two total conversions... thats quite a project....

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i know you can have upto 15 or 16 jump destination thingies from each system and only 4 objects. is this some kinda patch for EVO? i'd agree the 4 system limit isn't that big.

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

No, its a case of "I want to have a huge project before I even get a clue as to what the hell I am doing".

And then promoting vaporware by posting it here......


someone is allready doing SW3 so dont worry about it dude.


There already is a SW3, it's an incomplete add-on for SW2 for EV.


"Je deteste Wyndoze!"


Star Wars 2 was a crappy plugin. Graphics were good - that I acknowledge. But the missions only vaguely followed the books, bugs were rampant, and sprites had weird sizes (I mean, the shuttle was bigger than a warship!). Kris Hauser has abandonded EV altogether - I don't think he/she/it would mind. And saying "a few flaws" is the most incredible understatement I've ever heard on this board.

The ships from the movies were still used in the books - in fact, some ships were missing in SW2.

The big problem in making a Star Wars plugin is keeping the story straight - Hauser interpreted it rather liberally. And what you suggest is just a little ambitiious.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

Sorry everyone.

is ther already a sW3? well mine will just be star wars: missions. or some crap like that.

Anyway the SW plug won't be a total conversion, i'm just doing some missions.

SNyway you have under estermated the power of the dude5432, i can work on anything, two total conversions easy!

I'm just kidding one total conversion is gonna take me about 3 months i rekon, and the SW thing i'll try and have it done by that time, but i'm not putting in ink yet.


And how many plugs have you made?




I rekon we should get a few people together, die hard star war fans, good mission makers, and remake the star wars 2 plug and call it star wars 3.
All we have to do is make all new missions, and set it during the movies.

Is this a good idea?


Making another StarWars plug would completly ruin Starwars in EVO. Star Wars and Evo are two different things. I don't just mean that by like ships, stories, and mission and stuff like that, but for other things as well.
One of the great things about Starwars is it's 3D dogfights with awesome manuevers. Any Starwars plugs that have been made have already slightly ruined Starwars. Starwars, in my opinion, is just about the only sci-fi with ships and fights and stuff like that, that you can't put into an EVO plug and make it right. Now about that other person working on SW3, I hope they prove me wrong.
On the other hand, I do agree that SW2 could have been better. The graphics were astounding, and it did need improving. That is a particular subject that we all agree on. As for missing ships in SW2, that is another thing that bothers me about SW2. Starwars has so many different kinds of ships, planets, races, architecture, graphics, and other things that completly make it ruined when put into EVO.
To put in everything that would make a Starwars plug for EVO be good would take a very long time. I would say it would take one person working alone doing every single thing for the project about 3 and a half years to make a good EVO Starwars plug.

Also, the stellar objects? That has nothing to do with SW, so please just post another thread if you want to talk about that.

Peace out!


why do you think this would ruin? fair enough there has been many plugs that have butchered star wars But SW2 did have its merits.
Any way the original Escape velocity was clearly based on star wars,
two rival factions;An oppressive regime and a rebbellion movement fighting to bring freedom to the Galaxy, sounds familiar?? I can almost see the scrolling text and hear the music!!.
what other things apart from ships,missions combat etc?? i'll agree that the 3d combat aspect of starwars is somthing which is generaly missing but thats just a general flaw of any arcade style sprite based game.On the other hand is there any other game which you can become fully emmersed in a Universe an din control of your destiny and still have fun shooting stuff in spaceships?.In what way do you think 'star Wars' was ruined??


Jake101 wrote:
Starwars, in my opinion, is just about the only sci-fi with ships and fights and stuff like that, that you can't put into an EVO plug and make it right.

why exactly is it the 3d aspect again?? or the way the plot revolves specifically around the destinys of specific individuals-i.e luke and Vaders relationship?????
What aspect do you think would be impossible to replicate in EVO? about the ships, planets, races, architecture, graphics. there is space for 63 ship slots(considering Plug size)that gives scope for creating a lot of ships. Also Using this new system of mission packs it is possible to include just about every star wars ship in certain circumstances.
What do you think would need to be added?
At the moment there is 4/5 person team working on this plug and shouldn't take quite as long but I dont want to give a date at this stage-(the moment you set one it is doomed to take longer)I am planning on using Some of Kris hausers graphics but nothing else.
I'd love to Prove you wrong and intend to do so. But keep criticising every thing is helpful.

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

<A HREF="mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.

(This message has been edited by Stormbringer (edited 03-04-2000).)

Well, I hope you do prove me wrong, dude. SW2 was something that was a disgrace besides graphics and. . .um . . .anything else? Good luck. 😉

Hey, Kris Hauser did make a SW3, just did'nt fish it! It's (and all his other SW plug-ins is here) <link></link>

🙂 Max B-H
Current plug-in project: Arena Plus

Hi everyone.

this star wars plug, it was just an idea, and if there is so many other people are making a SW 3 plug, i guess i shouldn't bother. All i was gonna do was take away a lot of the missions and change a few governments so they suit the movies, but as one does i'm kinda sick of that idea, so i'm putting all my time into making this total conversion of mine. By the way on progress, i've done about 1/10 of the plug.
