
In everyones opinion what is the best plug?
Thx Jestor out


Ah, another one. Try to remember simple concepts such as grammar, spelling, and etiquette.

Classic plugins for EVO:

  • The Frozen Heart - possibly the finest and most innovative plugin ever.

  • Femme Fatale - the epic sequel to Frozen Heart

  • F-25 - I've never played it, but it's supposed to be good.

  • Beyond the Crescent - Short and sweet

A pretty good selection there - have fun.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

  1. Beyond the Cresent

2)Crazy Old People Attack (I made it, it is not yet released)

"You all look like happy campers to me. In fact, you are happy campers. You always have been happy campers. As far as I'm concerned, you'll always be happy campers."

-Dan Quayle on a 1990 state trip to Samolia

Another kick-butt plug is
--The Dilanu
Made by me. Nt released yet. As far as plugs that have been released, well, if you're a renegade, Captains of Freeport is pretty good.

"Where'd you get those

Most people's favorites are:

-Frozen Heart

-F-25--I have played this, and this is a Bombcat hit that will blow your mind!

Also, some of the good upcoming plugs are:

Call To Arms

To bad absolutly none of those retained or continued any feel or mood EVO set......



ColdFusion wrote:
Ah, another one. Try to remember simple concepts such as grammar, spelling, and etiquette.

He wrote, thx instead of thanks, big whoop. Really, I mean he could have gone, "Yo, waz yo best plug that you jive to?" Did you want him to go, "Thank you; Jestor is now out." Really, you don't have to start off every other post (actually, it seems more than that) with how bad people write. It just ain't no matta. If iz getting dah point across, why worry. It ain't like it be hard to read "Thx Jestor out," so does it really matta? It ain't getting to the point o real annoyin, is it? well, not so much annoyin as this. 😉


(url="http://"")EV:O Revenge(/url)

"Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is not the reason we are doing it"

(url="http://"")The Onion(/url)


mikee J wrote:
**To bad absolutly none of those retained or continued any feel or mood EVO set......


Frozen Heart was written before EVO came out, and was already set for release. Having heard that EVO was arriving, I held it back and released it with the new EVO features. This is why it didn't continue the EVO mood.

Also, Frozen Heart is set in its own universe. I wrote the novel back in 1988. When EV arrived on the scene I loved it partly because a lot of it fitted with the kind of universe I had worked up for Frozen Heart. My earliest attempt was to write missions for EV that would enable the Frozen Heart story to work -- with just one new ship, based on the Lightning.

As I wrote, I discovered I had to rewrite more and more stuff, until virtually everything was rewritten except for the names of the major stars, which are based on real astronomy. Even those I felt I had to move, to make more sense with the shape of the physical galaxy.

By this time the plot had expanded so that it was bigger than the original EV game.

When I started out, I had no clue how to make 3d graphics. As I went along I learned, and ended up remaking all the graphics at least 3 times. Shortly before EVO came out, I was trying to interest Ambrosia in releasing Frozen Heart as EV3, and I felt that the planet graphics and landings needed reworking to match the mood of the whole thing, so I put those in at a relatively late stage.

I was kind of surprised that EVO didn't redo the planet graphics, but there you are.

Ambrosia never bit, so I went ahead and released it anyway. And the rest is history.

I hope that fills in on why it isn't a continuation.




M A R T I N • T U R N E R

ShadeOfBlue wrote, " Really, you don't have to start off every other post (actually, it seems more than that) with how bad people write."
Actually, the correct word to use is badly--not bad.
(Pulls a cold fusion)
That was meant to be funny, in an idiotic way. In truth, I support cold fusion's view that shortening words and forgetting ones' grammer can be offensive to others. Respect the boards and those who read them by skipping the "internet chat room" slang.
P.S -- I hope everyone doesn't jump all over me for this post. I apoligize if it upsets anyone? 🙂

"the best don't always