Possible way of doing a tournament--really!

OK, I'm thinking of a plugin with 2 systems; you take the ship you had before installing the plugin and arm it as you like, then accept a "mission" in the bar to go to the second interference-free system where there's a few crescent warships and a few igazras (maybe only a couple) After they've all been killed off, you take a count of what sort of ammo you have left and your shield/armor status--whoever finishes with the most ammo left/most shields would win. A few gaps in that method, but does it sound like it could be elaborated on? I could certainly do it.

See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly...---Either a Beatles song or the thoughts of a Voinian Dreadnought captain during battle 🙂

Well, since pretty much everyone knows how to do the monty python maneuver, a lot of the people here could do it without any ammo. Its a great idea, but until the monty python is eliminated it wouldn't work. Sorry to be so pessimistic.


No beer and no TV make Homer something something...

The monty python maneuver? wuzzat?

See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly...---Either a Beatles song or the thoughts of a Voinian Dreadnought captain during battle 🙂

Why not figure out a way to measure the time it takes. I'm sure there is a way to code a clock. Just change the time incrementing in the game. So seconds are measured instead of days. Dunno.



Raddy wrote:
**Well, since pretty much everyone knows how to do the monty python maneuver, a lot of the people here could do it without any ammo. Its a great idea, but until the monty python is eliminated it wouldn't work. Sorry to be so pessimistic.


Everyone knows that maneuver, but a decent and honourable player would not use that thing before his/her skills.

In the end, the Confederation will win, for the moronic AI helps their superiorly shielded ships.


Mister Spiffus wrote:
**The monty python maneuver? wuzzat?


Ah, the monty python. The cruelest and most evil and dishonorable combat tactic in EV/O.

It's actually pretty complex. You need a fast, accurate, long range weapon and a reasonably fast ship. Target the enemy, then fly past it so that it starts following you. Match its speed, adjusting until until you are at the point where you are in range, and the enemy who is following you is not. Blast it to bits without a bit of damage - it will never shoot because it (hopefully) will not get in primary weapons range. It helps to exhaust an enemy's secondary weapons first

The new AI routines in 1.0.2 will make the monty python obsolete.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

No they won't. The physics of the game will still allow you to do that. I have experimented with it to. When you slow the game down its even more effected. The AI's can have Afterburners, but they really wont be able to avoid physics 😃

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The TRUE non-cowardly fighters who play EVO will use it, its not a bad idea. Hell, there's a plug called "Arena" for EV, why the hell shouldn't there be one similar for EVO?

Go for it.



first off, everyone would be on the "honor system", i have no problem with that, sence any self respecting pilot would NEVER use the montypython, or lie about time/shields/ammo i have a stop watch so i can time myself exactly, but from when to when, from the time you hyperspace in, to the time the last ship explodes? oh BTW the "how much shields you have left" thing wouldn't work with Azdaras because they recharge in 5 seconds. and how about this: have mission computer missions, that are like from "fight Azdara" to "fight Igazra" not in a string (i.e. one after another) but all available at once, and your ship type/upgrades would count toward points, for instance: beat an Igazra in a non-upgraded shuttle and get 1000 points, beat an Igazra in an non-upgraded Igazra and get 1 point, or how about AI, crew, shields, weapons, and time of kill, explanation:

Miranu Heavy Freighter VS Igazra.

M.H. Freighter has 1 Freighter to Warship upgrade, points deducted: 0
M.H. Freighter has 1 phase turret, points deducted: attacking ship has more turrets of the same type +5 points for extra turret that the attacking ship has.
M.H. Freighter has 2 SAD laucnhers+50 SADs, points deducted: 70 (0.5 for each sad with 1 launcher, -1 for each sad with 2 launchers, 10 for each launcher)
M.H. Freighter has 1 Azdgari Bay+6 Azdara, points deducted: 120 (10 for each azdara, -60 for the Azdara bay (fighter bays are X, X being equal to the points of each fighters value and total amount you have)
M.H. Freighter has 1 shield generator, points deducted: X, X being equal to extra ship yard shield units obtained. doubled if ship has less shields than the outfit provides (i.e. the ship has 10 shield units, the outfit provides 15 shield units, points deducted are now 30 instead of 15)

Total points deducted for outfits: 225

M.H. Freighter has 53 crew
Igazra has 52 (is that right!?)

Crew points: 5 for each crew meber killed, -1 for extra cremembers

M.H. Freighter has 80 sields and 40 armor
Igazra has 500 shields and 40 armor

Armor points 0
Shield points +460

Total points won if you win:
less than 5 minutes: 990
5 minutes to 10 minutes: 495
more than 10 minutes: 247.5

(note: 5 minutes is the best time, though i don't have any idea what it would actually be)

thats just a rough outline of how i think the points should go.

P.S. if you do make it, can i help?


hehehe, that could be a new game


Man that is a sieriosly cool idea-I back you up all the way!
How about throwing a new ship into the system, a creat with 12 blaze guns, launched from a shuttle craft that carries 7 of 'em!
There are so many challenging battles in EVO as it is, so we could just record the time in wich someone wreaked the dreadnought, or nailed the Izdagri ship on th NPD missions! We could just record these-NO FORKLIFTS

🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂 😄 🙂


WOW! Big response. That points thing would be hard to work into the game, but I'll try working it in. I'll make all ships available, only with adjusted prices depending on their battle ability, not their freighter worth. I.E. a Krait would cost something like 3,000 credits, since it's a worthless half-donut with a cockpit, but an Azdara would cost around 2 million, for its super shield recharge rate and shield-pounding phase cannons. I would either remove all shield-enhancing outfits or make them available through a non-existent mission bit (hence either way you couldn't get them)
I'll have numerous "rounds," where you may want to switch ships for the sake of their advantage of the ship you must defeat next, or switch around upgrades to better match your opponent's(') weakness.

Hey....I got it....why not require a screenshot right after the last ship is destroyed? The shields would still be a bit down, the target would say none, and the last little bitties of the explosion would still be visible.
Maybe just completing the tournament in the least period of time would be a good way of judging---you won't be counted for the time in between playing time (everybody except the freaks would have at least 7 hours added to their time if you counted sleep) just the total amount of time played.
How's that sound? Less gaps.

See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly...---Either a Beatles song or the thoughts of a Voinian Dreadnought captain during battle 🙂