Cheap moves

Does anybody else get sick of using the Monty Python thing? I am bored with it. Is there anybody
who has a ship file that pretty much hammer anything in the game? I have a UE Cruiser, and it is
pretty nice, but I want something bigger, w/o using a cheat plugin. That is just stupid.


Hey, you've more or less reached the limit. You could get an Igazra, but it's not significantly better than an upgraded UE cruiser. For a challenge, get an Azdara, and try the high-speed hit & run.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Azdara's are damn near invincible with an experimental and regular shield recharger and 3 or 4 shield caps...

They are kick *** for killing UE stuff... they are invincible in UE space. In Crescent space a good pilot can take on anything if he is good... and in Voinian space... ah...

I could easily rip your Cruiser apart with my tiny little Azdara 😛

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Nooooooo, I think not. A few blaze hits and a rocket to the cockpit and you're dead.

See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly...---Either a Beatles song or the thoughts of a Voinian Dreadnought captain during battle 🙂

Urm... did you have the two shield gens and 3-4 shield capitators?

I can be infront of a carrier and just SIT there. All the blaze hits dont do any damage. If a rocket or missle hits me... I fly back a little and QUICKLY recover.

Just have an Azdara, 4 shields, 4 sw phase and 2 shield generators and you are unbeatable in UE space 😃

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Well, for the Azdaras, launch five salvos of SAD modules. They are quite dead. And I have six Crescent Warships as escorts. It is just that I cannot take on a voinan cruiser on my own, w/o taking heavy damage. Which sucks. But I am just complaining. It is a known fact, that voinans suck. The stupid Bronev plating is WAY too strong.
