Changing Ships

I was playing escape velocity and accepted a mission to kill some renegade. He had some sort of warship, I think maybe Crescent Warship. Anyhow I wanted to board the ship, so I aborted the mission. I then died before boarding. When I came back, all of that type of ship, along with some other ships looked like shuttlecrafts. I can't remember the names off the top of my head but they were selling on the same planet as the Crescent. I've been pondering over why that happened, it is rather boring seeing a bunch of shuttle crafts. Rebooting didn't help. I assume none of the files could be corrupted, considering I haven't been using plug-ins. Maybe I'm wrong.

I suppose I can reinstall EV override but I was wondering if there are any other options. I would also like to know why this occurred. Thanks 🙂

"the best don't always

Try activating VM, it's a memory issue.


I have 128 built in ram so I really don't think it is a memory problem. Anybody have any other suggestions? ? ?

"the best don't always

I also have 128 MB, I activated VM and my probs were solved.


It is a corrupted data file. If your computer has ever crashed, any file on the drive can potentially be
corrupted. Run Norton Utilities on your drive. Or just reinstall EVO.


I disagree, EVO doesn't have enough memory pre-allocated. I always ended up with UE Fighters looking like Cargo Transports.



DaboliX wrote:
**I have 128 built in ram so I really don't think it is a memory problem. Anybody have any other suggestions? ? ?

Just because you have plenty of RAM doesn't mean the game can use it. Push both "command" (has the little apple and what looks like a swirly #) and "i" or just go to file and down to get info. Then try raising the preferred memory and, if you wish, the minimum memory. Note: don't raise it to your limits or anywhere near; if it is a memory problem just a few more megabytes (another few thousand in the box since it's in kilobytes) should solve it if it is indeed a memory problem.


(url="http://"")EV:O Revenge(/url)

"Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is not the reason we are doing it"

(url="http://"")The Onion(/url)

I never seem to have memory problems - but a Power Mac always is supposed to have a meg or two of virtual memory. It happened once, I think.

Of course, it could also be the nasty little creature called the corrupted data file ( Corruptus datafilus overridus ). Try re-installing EVO. Might help.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy