Where can I get the EV Game Expander???

Remember that really cool plugin for EV called EV Game Expander? I found the site but the download link is dead! Can anyone send it to me or tell me an alternate site to get it from? I really want it!

Or if anyone knows who made it and can give me his email address too, that'd be spiffle. (I want to convert the plug to something compatible with the EVO universe (expanding on exploring the nebulas, finding a new Voinian territory, something like that))

Just how would you convert a plug for EV into a plug for the EVO storyline? You would have to do a total conversion into the EV universe to do that.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I don't know if you've played the plugin, but there's very little interaction with the main EV universe. you basically travel around the added systems, siding with a few, and only traveling to original EV systems to relay messages. I could simply change the destinations for those to similar ones in the EVO universe. Besides, the ships are really cool.

Back to the point, anyone know where I can get it?


You SHOULD be able to find EVGE in the EV archives. If you are looking in the EVO archives, go to the EV site and look there.

Damn, I wish there was an EVO Game Expander. If I knew graphics, I'd start writing one in a minute....

Anyway, hope that helps.


nah, already checked there. I only want it for the graphics---some of those ships are kick ass!
I'll keep looking...

I chcked ev also its not there. Its site has a dead link too. Anyone got it??


Well, I had it sent to me yesterday. I'll try and set up some worthless web page where you can download it or something. Screw copyrights--if the guy doesn't even keep the links working then it's his problem. 🙂

Thanks! if people just let thier plug-ins pages detiorate then we will start losing some good plug-ins!


Could someone send it here? entity@blackrockmac.com


<<<<<<<<<<<I WILL SEND IT>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just making it really clear to other people so you don't get 4 copies of it 🙂


Mister Spiffus wrote:
nah, already checked there. I only want it for the graphics---some of those ships are kick ass!
I'll keep looking...

Ooh can't do that. The graphics are 100% copyrighted, and you gotta ask permission first - and few plugin authors like to see their hard work swiped (no offense)

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Right, right. I hardly have time to do anything EV related right now. If I do anything it'll be in June. All I want is that Wraith missle cruiser; that thing is pimpin'.
Why the hell doesn't he have ANY kind of way to contact him on his site or in the plug docs? What a dork!

(This message has been edited by Mister Spiffus (edited 02-29-2000).)