Comments on Starwars EV

The Star Wars 2 plug-in despite its pretty revolutionary graphics(In terms of Escape velocity)was severly lacking in the combat system, tone of missions and general arrangement of many things. As Kris hauser has Left the sequal SW3 open to development i have taken to creating a revision of the Plug in involving expanded rearranged graphics improvement to the combat system and new missions and ships i would apppreciate any comments suggestions or offers on the subject as any feedback wll be useful.
Also does anybody know what happened to the development of the sequalto Star wars A New Alliance it seems to have dissapeared????

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

[ jr.watkins@virgin.
net ](mailto: jr.watkins@virgin.<br />
net "E-mail Link")

Where can I find the SW2 plug in??


if you wanna have some fun, get a firespray with the SW2 plug. then take out the plugs & you gotta azdara. they're a blast to fly!! they got like 400 tons of weapon space. max 150 SAE modules from the Zidagers... he he he... buh bye anything. I took out 2 crescent warships in a row with just dispy rockets & those Voinian purple pea shooters, and a phase turret 'er cannon... FUN!!!

yeah, this is kinda pointless. all I can say is, try it! only problem is my gov't status & stuff is all messed up. good egg in one ue system, criminal in another. oh, and I'm a galactic scourge in the council station system - g something

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")


Ace McCloud wrote:
**Where can I find the SW2 plug in??


I think the only place it is still availiable is here at stardock Alpha-
(url="http://"") I am working on a complete revision of the Plug which will be availiable once I have a new Website set up.

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

net](http://mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.<br />

The EVO version has lots of bugs. Wasnt this a conversion from SW2 for ev? If so where is the ev version?



Ace McCloud wrote:
**The EVO version has lots of bugs. Wasnt this a conversion from SW2 for ev? If so where is the ev version?


It should be there as well if not try the archives on the official EV site
If you have no luck there then wait until I have released My revised sequel for EVO its about 50% done 🆒

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

net](http://mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.<br />



BLAHBLAH! wrote:

what???????? :mad: 😕 :mad: 😕

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

net](http://mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.<br />

where is your quote from?



Ace McCloud wrote:
**where is your quote from?


The quote is from the Elric of Melnibourne saga-the fortress of the Pearl by Michael Moorcock An amazing series of Dark fantasy Novels which fits into the massive Eternal champion series. Moorcock is the post important post-Tolkien fantasy writers and the Elric series is seriously Cool. 🆒
The quote is about ;)'Stormbringer' 🙂 a Soul Destroying magic sword that takes the life energy from its many victims to feed its bearer the weak albino Elric of Melniborne The sword has a mind of its own and the Power to control its bearer to achieve its own ends.
search the web for Stormbringer for more Info.
:mad:I am also working on a total conversion plug for EVo with a Moorcock like feel.
-'Beneath the Remains', :mad:
Any one else on the board Read any Moorcock???

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

<A HREF="mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.

(This message has been edited by Stormbringer (edited 02-29-2000).)