I'm new! PLS HELP!!!

I'm new around here so cut me some slack... I am totally lost! I finished the missions in UE space and there's nothing LEFT!! 😕 What do I do? I'm not gonna ask what the best ship is cause I've noticed how much that topic pops up on this board but... Could SOMEONE reccomend a ship! Do it for the new GUY! 😄 And BTW how do you get those darn ships back into your carrier? Thanx!

I'm New! Don't hurt me!

the miranu freighter can become a very heavily armed warship if you have the money. it's not the strongest shield wise, and it takes 2 or 3 days to jump (forget which). buy all mass expansions, then load up on turrets. you can get 5 turrets / no guns or 4 turrets / 4 guns ( i think ). 4 shield cap's, a booster, all the armor types, torpedos, needle missles (suck worse than javelins in ev), rockets maybe, etc. then just blow the $hit out of something. or board an azdara!! (the little green things with instant shield regeneration). also, before you turn your freighter into an armed beast, you can do LOTs of trading with all that cargo space (to pay for the upgrading!!)

oh, for starting out, get the scoutship so you can make it through that dead space between UE space & Miranu space. goto mirava, too if you haven't already.

about the fighters ( i think that's what you're talking about 😞
hold option then hit the escort retarget button. check the keyboard setup in the prefs.

most people disagree with my choice of the miranu freighter. but, hey - any other ship have 3 or 400 tons of cargo space??

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"mailto:funky_cheeze@usa.net")mailto:funky_cheeze@usa.net(/url)funky_cheeze@usa.net


Robin wrote:
most people disagree with my choice of the miranu freighter. but, hey - any other ship have 3 or 400 tons of cargo space??

Urhm the Miranu HEAVY Freighter. =D I think it has something like 500 tons.



Max Power wrote:
I'm new around here so cut me some slack... I am totally lost! I finished the missions in UE space and there's nothing LEFT!!

The Good News is that if all you've done so far are the UE missions (played the Free Huron string yet?), you still have at least 75% of the game left to play. For a start there's the Miranu mission string, which starts on Mira (Mirava system). Miranu space is 6-7 jumps North and slightly East of UE space. The Miranu are mainly peaceful, but they have some excellent ships. Try the Arada, it's generally agreed to be the best light warship in the game.

The Nebulae string also starts in Miranu space (won't tell you where, you'll find it soon enough). There are three mutually exclusive strings in the Strand mission set. One starts on Kitrak (Miranu space) the others on Pozdag-3 (or station, can't recall) in the East and South Tip Station (guess where?). Then there are the Zachit/Renegade missions and sundry sub-strings.



Andrew M wrote:
**Urhm the Miranu HEAVY Freighter. =D I think it has something like 500 tons.

yeah, but that one's snail speed. atleast the miranu freighter has a bit of guts when you buy all the engine / turning / acceleration upgrades.

and i think the arada sucks, btw.

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"mailto:funky_cheeze@usa.net")mailto:funky_cheeze@usa.net(/url)funky_cheeze@usa.net


Robin wrote:

most people disagree with my choice of the miranu freighter. but, hey - any other ship have 3 or 400 tons of cargo space??


Just do some missions for the yellow guys (Igdzara or sumthin?). Might get half the Cresent after you but then you can get the their warship, said to be the best. Oh! also there is the green miranu-courier-changed-to-warship that you can get up in the north. Heard is real quick jumper.


Thanx for the info! It helped ALOT! I didn't have any clue on how huge this game is... Just wanted to ask how to you take over planets? I demand a tribute and once they send out their fleet, they just don't stop popin out of the planet! I must have killed about twenty ships, if not more! so, how do you destrow their fleet if they never DIE!? Thanx!

I'm New! Don't hurt me!

Stop acting the poor, pathetic newbie. There are things called grammar, spelling, and etiquette.

Defense fleets are huge - what do you expect when to try to bully a planet into paying you off. What you're supposed to do:

  • Demand tribute.

  • Blow up the 5-10 ships that swarm out.

  • Contact planet and do it again.

Useful tips:

  • Hire/capture as many escorts as you can, and launch all your fighters. It reduces the number of defenders.

  • Try taking on small planets first - there's a little station at the western edge of Voinian space that has a defense fleet of UE freighters.

  • Look out for bounty hunters after you dominate a world.

Have fun; EVO is a great game.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy