
I don't have a registerd version of evo but i was wondering if there r any other plugins other than the ones posted on the main page. And when i downloaded the plug-in called the fourth rieh it didn't work it siad it needed more memory alocated to it. how do i do that?


I'm not sure where you can get more plug-ins. I've been looking for some myself. To fix the memory problem highlight EVO and choose get info from the file menu. Change the prefered size to around 20000 and it should do ok. If it dosen't then increase the size.

Can I have a monkey mommy?...please!?!???

when i go to get info two things come up, whick one do i go to.


Well, you change the "preferred size"
First select "about this macintosh" from the apple menu and find out what the number is next to "largest unused block"
Set the Preferred Size for EVO to about 2,000k less than that number.

For instance if the largest unused block of RAM is 30,000k, then you'd want to set EVO to about 28,000k. It's OK for EVO to use up almost all of the available RAM when its running since you wouldn't want to have anything else open during gameplay.

what is 10.1 MB in k's. don't know how to convert them, would that be 10,000 k?



St.Nick wrote:
what is 10.1 MB in k's. don't know how to convert them, would that be 10,000 k?

I calculated it, 10.1 MB in KB would be approx. 10342.4 K. =D


if you're looking for plugs, you shuld visit the links page.


Well, you can find F-25 and Reign of the Voinians/Reign II at my EV/O site (check the sig). I would also recomend the Phased Beam fixer and a few other things I've done :p.

Micah L , (url="http://"")