Adzgari mission 2

I'v looked everywhere, but I just can't seem to find the system you're supposed to take the firebird sqad to. could someone gieve me the name of the system, because it't a real pain to have to go through all the systems to find the right one. should be one of those little arrows, but there isn't.

"Sometimes I think that the surrest sign that there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."

It's waaaay up at the top of the map, north of Miranu space. You'll have to skirt around Zidegar Territory to get there (which is the point, of course :p) but I can't remember off the top of my head what it's called. Just head north - when you run into the Zachit you'll know you're getting close.


P.S. The voices in my head say it might be the Raigar system, but my doctors say I shouldn't pay too much attention to them...


GeX wrote:

**I'v looked everywhere, but I just can't seem to find the system you're supposed to take the firebird sqad to. could someone gieve me the name of the system, because it't a real pain to have to go through all the systems to find the right one. should be one of those little arrows, but there isn't.


Look through Override Data 1 with EV-Edit. I think that's were all the missions are. Find your mission and look at the destination system

100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it arround, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.....

I think it's called Gadzir or something. You have to refuel by attacking zidagar ships, which is decent and proper. Once you get there you get all cool missions against pirade fighters and stuff, nothing better than a dogfight i say. TO get to gadzir or whatever, just go right round the top of the crescent.

"How can i make it go faster"? -Me-



Why can't anyone remember its Azdagari 😕 the D comes AFTER the Z


It's waaaay up at the top of the map, north of Miranu space

Actually its one of the farthest SOUTH systems, i think its south tip station or something (might be called somethin' else) its (obviosly) a renagade system, just look through all of 'em


I think it's called Gadzir

first its Gadzair, second that system is some where around Igadzra teratory, thirdly its owned by the crapsil-errr council that won't let you land ( :mad: )



Mordon wrote:
**first its Gadzair, second that system is some where around Igadzra teratory, thirdly its owned by the crapsil-errr council that won't let you land (:mad: )


Its spelt AZDGARI, not Azd-a-gari

shesh, not that hard people! 😛

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whoops, that was a typo :redface:



Mordon wrote:
Actually its one of the farthest SOUTH systems, i think its south tip station or something (might be called somethin' else) its
(obviosly) a renagade system, just look through all of 'em

Actually, it isn't. That's the start of the missions. Firebird squadron has to go way up north, just like was said.


Nothing is fool-proof to a
talented fool.... **

Hmmmmm somebody lock this thread, please :frown:
