A call to arms

Fellow EV:Override lovers, I give you a call to arms. Look at the top of this boards' home page, next to the letter icon. It says: Vote for your favorite ambrosia game. MY friends, EV is beating EVO! We must change this! YAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Charge Ballyho Eulalia for my king and country etc. 🆒

"Where'd you get those

What difference does it make? EV, EVO, one and the same.


I'm waiting for the day when "this side up" arrows appear on grocery bags.

Coldfusion, I onc held great respect for you, but no longer. 😉

"Where'd you get those

The EVO engine is only slightly enhanced. EV does have a rather cheesy and unoriginal story, but its superb plugins and expandable storyline bring it on par with EVO.


I'm waiting for the day when "this side up" arrows appear on grocery bags.


Captain Crunch wrote:
**Fellow EV:Override lovers, I give you a call to arms. Look at the top of this boards' home page, next to the letter icon. It says: Vote for your favorite ambrosia game. MY friends, EV is beating EVO! We must change this! YAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Charge Ballyho Eulalia for my king and country etc.🆒

They're mostly the same basic thing. Same play style, and same appeal. EV's engine isn't as good as EVO's, but not many plugs can make use of this. I still love EV, and the story is much simpler. However, I like the localized effect of EV, and it allows for more compact plug-ins (storywise) that are still very fun.

Micah L.
(url="http://"http://micahl.cjb.net")Micah World(/url)
(url="http://"http://lightning.prohosting.com/~micah/cgi-bin/spamindex.cgi")The EV/O Player's Spam Board(/url)
(url="http://"http://redrival.com/micahl/evo")Micah's EVO Page (Mostly Operational)(/url)
(url="http://"http://lightning.prohosting.com/~micah/links.html")Micah's Links (Not completelly updated)(/url)
(url="http://"http://boardbio.cjb.net")The EV/O Board Members Bio Page, 2 people to be added(/url)
ICQ: 57161584 }{ AIM: MicahL1 }{ iTools: mlanier

I'm with you, charge, ready aim fire!!!! Charge, kill, must die, EVO EVO EVO EVO EVO
sorry got to carried away, any way this is a code alpha. we should all support our kick glutyiousmaximus game EVO charge faise baonets (you know those things on the end of the gun in the cival war) launch Lockheed MISSILES. YAHOO ridem cowboy.

EVO rulls


(This message has been edited by Omega X (edited 02-13-2000).)

Omega X, It's 'bayonets', not 'baonets', and armies still use them.

cool, did not know that

Any way you people get my point, EVO rulls!!!!!
And every one should know that!!!!
Ciao, Buona Notte

(This message has been edited by Omega X (edited 02-13-2000).)


Captain Crunch wrote:
Fellow EV:Override lovers, I give you a call to arms. Look at the top of this boards' home page, next to the letter icon. It says: Vote for your favorite ambrosia game. MY friends, EV is beating EVO! We must change this! YAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Charge Ballyho Eulalia for my king and country etc.🆒

Dude, I want some of the coconuts you've been eating. 😄 EV was released in '93, it has more lovers, more of an expandable storyline, and more plugs, so you can see why more people like EV better. BTW, it's cheaper. 😄

To screw with you, EVO better, got me jimbo, I know were you people live, so vote EVO



Andrew M wrote:
Dude, I want some of the coconuts you've been eating.:D EV was released in '93... 😄

Lay off the coconuts, Andrew, they messing up your mind. EV was released in the spring of 1996, April or May IIRC.



Joe Burnette wrote:
Lay off the coconuts, Andrew, they messing up your mind. EV was released in the spring of 1996, April or May IIRC.

No, can't be, explain why 1.0.5 was released in '97, and look at the copyright info.

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

(url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/")My website(/url), (url="http://"http://www.blackrockmac.com/ajm/corusoft/")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


Stop arguing.
They're both kick ass games but in the end EV will win as it has been around longer and has more followers for all the far more gripping action in EVO.

anyway there are more plugs for EV and it offers a far wider choice than EVO at the moment.

Look at the similar examples. The playstation sells more than the N64 as it has more games, irrespective of their quality in play and graphics ( another advantage of EVO). 🙂 😄

Mad Mitsubishi Nosher Boy
Aka Master Robinton.


EVO is the Sequel to EV. I'm suprised that they even differentiated between EV & EVO


Andrew M wrote:
**No, can't be, explain why 1.0.5 was released in '97, and look at the copyright info.

Can be.
1.0.5 was released in 1997 because that was when it was completed.
Copyright date for EV is 1995-1997.

I submit this quote from the 'EV FAQ' (which is included with each copy of EV):

"(Q) - When was Escape Velocity first released?

(A) - Escape Velocity was first released in early May 1996.


(Q) - How long did it take to create Escape Velocity?

(A) - Escape Velocity took approximately 13 months from conception to release."


Heh. This whole string is now pointless. EVO leads at 27%, Avara second at 21%, and EV third, with 17.5%. EV may be older, and have better plugins, but obviously gamers don't see the virtue of being older and wiser.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Phfor_Necat wrote:
EVO is the Sequel to EV. I'm suprised that they even differentiated between EV & EVO

Then explain why EVO is a century earlier, and that all the tech is better in EVO.



Andrew M wrote:
**Then explain why EVO is a century earlier, and that all the tech is better in EVO.

Well, it's hard to compare the ratings. In EV, weapons have the same basic effect on their oponents as EVO weapons do upon their own oponents. I guess what I mean is that while I'm ripping through the hull of a ship in EV, it seems just as easy to do in EVO. As for the centrury part, Prequel would've been a better word than Sequel.

Micah L.
(url="http://"http://micahl.cjb.net")Micah World(/url)
(url="http://"http://lightning.prohosting.com/~micah/cgi-bin/spamindex.cgi")The EV/O Player's Spam Board(/url)
(url="http://"http://redrival.com/micahl/evo")Micah's EVO Page (Mostly Operational)(/url)
(url="http://"http://lightning.prohosting.com/~micah/links.html")Micah's Links (Not completelly updated)(/url)
(url="http://"http://boardbio.cjb.net")The EV/O Board Members Bio Page, 2 people to be added(/url)
ICQ: 57161584 }{ AIM: MicahL1 }{ iTools: mlanier

Well, the EVO universe doesn't exactly concur with the EV universe. . . which makes it great fodder for a plugin.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Hey you guys, get your stuff together! Avara is beating EV:O and EV. Remeber, you can vote more than once, you just have to wait like 5 hours. So go out there and vote again!


(url="http://"http://www.crosswinds.net/~shadeofblue/")EV:O Revenge(/url)

"Science is like sex: sometimes something useful comes out, but that is not the reason we are doing it"

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion(/url)