Ambrosia Software, Inc. is looking for Windows beta testers.

Premier publisher Ambrosia Software, makers of award winning shareware titles like the Escape Velocity series and Maelstrom, is looking for gamers to test the Windows version of the well received role playing adventure game Pillars of Garendall, and Coldstone, the RPG construction kit that created it.

Pillars of Garendall is a huge epic fantasy role playing game created using the Coldstone game engine. You'll need a sharp-edged blade and a heart of steel to make it through this classic, action-oriented role playing game.

For more information about Pillars of Garendall, go to: (url="http://"")

Coldstone is a role playing game construction kit that offers unprecedented power and ease of use, allowing you to create professional, stand-alone games that are limited only by your imagination.

For more information about Coldstone the RPG engine, go to: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...ames/coldstone/(/url)

Interested parties should send an email, including system specs, to:

Thanks for your time!

David Dunham / tech support / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

The first beta request I actually witness, and I don't have anything capable of running what's being beta'd. Go figure.
Maybe I'll get an actual chance at bata-ing New Centurions (I think from Fantasoft), cuz there won't be any more betas from ASW in at least a few months, in all likelyhood.

Shoot, I'm all up on that! What exactly are the specs for it, etc.?

A Whisky and Splash (of Soda)

In the Land of Fwaah, there is much...... fwaah. And the people of the Land of Fwaah, they..... well, they fwaah a lot.

Email him and tell him what you have, and you go from their.

cough newbie cough

- MrSmiley

--The newbie hater--
Blood, waves, triumph. Blood, anger, lust, greed, blood. The First Antigan was born of such sin, into such sin. He saw sin, saw life, saw hope. He was Imbued with the power, the idea, the strength he would need to lead his people to absolute rule. Resurrected power, long forgotten on the torn and shattered Earth. Almighty lord, Nasher Degy, awoke, and prepared his elite power for use on his hated opponents. Almighty First, just like that. - Antigan Codex, Book of Antigan. 1:1

I already sent an email. 🙂

- Coreył

Sounds Great!!! 🆒 Where can I sign up?


Are they still taking beta testers, or was I too late? I sent the (rather short) email almost a week ago.....

I dont have a signature

I don't know about anyone else, but I got an email that the Beta is closed and that they were overwhelmed with people wanting to be testers.

That's got to be a sure sign that there's interest from the PC world 😄

As did I. Twas a shame, it was. 😐

Coreył (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsł(/url)
"Honey, do you love me?" "Of course, sweetie."
"And is that more important than anything else?" "It's more important than the air, than water, than life itself."
"Honey, I'm thinking about voting for Nader." " Get away from me, you LYING TRAITOROUS HUSSY! "


Originally posted by DagdaMor:
**I don't know about anyone else, but I got an email that the Beta is closed and that they were overwhelmed with people wanting to be testers.

That's got to be a sure sign that there's interest from the PC world :D**

when did you get that??? I havent got anything like that yet...

I dont have a signature

I, for one, am quite happy. PC interest in PoG means more development for Coldstone.

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