Hello,everyone (survey)

I am new to this group of yours, but do not take my words as sh#t just for this. My first topic will be the question: Which is the best Strand in EVO? Give some reasons to support your opinin, however. Thanx.

The Zidagar, they're the most culturally similar to Humans, have (IMO) the best ships, etc.


First rule, don't use "best". Never ever never ever.

There is no such thing as the "best" operating system, the "best" video game, or "best" hair color and there is no "best" director/movie/song or artist (unfortunatly the awards shows dont realize that yet....)

Depends on your purpose and reason, I think the Emalgha are the best government. Sure, they are weak and have little to offer, thats why I like them, its a challange. Rather than saying "Ok, I want a list of reasons why something is better", why not just ask what you are looking for?

Say, "What strand has the longest mission string" or "who gives the most money" or "who has the most amount of weapons and ships to offer", or "who's space is the most compact and safest".

Or, just ask what the differences of the goverments are. Like asking "I am trying to figure out which strand to side with, if anyone would list their favorite and why I would appreciate it" This style of questioning is alot more productive and leads to a more interesting discussion. You don't want "Zidagar ΓΌber alles"

...thats my suggestion.....

Unix for business
Linux for development
BeOS for media
Mac OS for productivity
Windows for solitaire

Yes yes, mikee J is right. It all depends on what do you want. For example, if you want fast ships, go with the Azdgari. Ships with beam bug, go with the Zidagar. And smoe crude firepower, then choose the Igazra. Personally, I like the Igazra the most, then the Azdgari, and lastly, the Zidagar.

One more thing, LeFundille said "Strand", not any government, so your opinion about the Emalgha is somewhat invalid here. πŸ˜›

In the end, the Confederation will win, for the moronic AI helps their superiorly shielded ships.


Bozorg wrote:
**Yes yes, mikee J is right. It all depends on what do you want. For example, if you want fast ships, go with the Azdgari. Ships with beam bug, go with the Zidagar. And smoe crude firepower, then choose the Igazra. Personally, I like the Igazra the most, then the Azdgari, and lastly, the Zidagar.

One more thing, LeFundille said "Strand", not any government, so your opinion about the Emalgha is somewhat invalid here. πŸ˜› In the end, the Confederation will win, for the moronic AI helps their superiorly shielded ships.

OK, OK, I'm sorry, I used your sig. but who are the confed. and how can they win (they don't exist in EV/O). Totally agree about moronic AI, though.



Alan wrote:
**OK, OK, I'm sorry, I used your sig. but who are the confed. and how can they win (they don't exist in EV/O). Totally agree about moronic AI, though.


I can see that you are a die hard EVO fan who has NEVER plaved the original EV. The Confederation is (maybe) the eqivalent to the Empire in Star Wars. They are powerful, cruel, ruthless and power hungry. Besides, I rarely visit this web board, so do not be surprised if my signature has more relationship to EV than EVO. I recommend you see the Ev web board, because I have created some nice controvertial discussion about who is better, Confeds or Rebs.

In the end, the Confederation will win, for the moronic AI helps their superiorly shielded ships.

Maybe there is no "best" strand, but my recomendation is the Azdgari. They have the best ships. Lots of firepower is no match for speed and high shield recharge speed.

100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it arround, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.....

Completely irrelevant (like much of this string) but this is a poll, not a survey.



Well, everyone has a favorite strand depending on their tastes, so you can't say one is best.

I have always liked the Zidagar personally, I enjoy using phased beams and the Zidara is great when you want a mix of speed and firepower. Unfortunatley I have not flown a Zidara or used phased beams in months due to the notorious 1.0.1 beam bug, so at the moment I like getting Azdgari Shield Generators onto a variety of small ships to see what happens. πŸ˜‰

Ever tried flying an enhanced UE Fighter? Rough all over, baby......

