[ANN] -- The switch has been thrown!

If you go to (url="http://"http://www.escape-velocity.com/")http://www.escape-velocity.com/(/url) you may notice that things have changed slightly...

This revamped web site is not finished. We are making it available to you now to solicit feedback, but before you give us any, please note:

  • Add-On Files - We have a really cool script for browsing, downloading, uploading, and describing the files in our archives; hang tight, it's coming. If you really want to see it (or really need to download a particular plugin), go here, but keep in mind it's extremely unrefined at the moment, and many things will look ugly or not work as you'd expect.

  • Screenshots, Questions? - The Screenshots gallery, and the Questions? section both are coming soon -- their contents should be fairly obvious.

  • Misc stuff - There will be cool "Obsidian" buttons down below that mirror the Options on the right, I haven't decided about the white space between the bar and this area, some surveys still need to be made, and there are other little odds and ends I need to tidy up.

  • The area below - Currently the area below this text is fairly boring, isn't it? Not to worry, I plan to spice it up with graphics shortly.

Everything else works, so dive in and give it a whirl. Everything under "Resources" is admined by folks from the EV/EVO community!

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Just a quick note here -- in the future, announcements like this won't be posted to the web boards, they will be submitted to the EV/EVO Newswire:



(the same newswire is shared by both EV and EVO, so either page will work fine)

I'm just posting these announcements to the web board for now, while people get used to the new site organization (after it goes live "for real", I'll stop posting these announcements to the web boards, and begin posting them to the newswire -- I encourage you to do the same thing).

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Hey Andrew: Do you still have all of the old plugs on the EVO site to post, or do people have to re-submit their plugs all over again?

Also: If a new plug has been developed and the maker wants it placed on the official site, where should it be sent to?


That is THE offical site. Instead of two different "sites" for EV, there is only one thing, only one place to find plug-ins (that is supported by Ambrosia).
Which is the smarter thing to do, this "two site" system wasn't working....

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UE Crusader wrote:
**Hey Andrew: Do you still have all of the old plugs on the EVO site to post, or do people have to re-submit their plugs all over again?

Also: If a new plug has been developed and the maker wants it placed on the official site, where should it be sent to?


We still have all of the old plugs; we're going to make an effort to make them available on the site. I hope to have the Add-Ons section up and running by mid-next week -- we have some really cool stuff planned for it, including "Top Downloads", ratings, categories, etc.

Hang tight, I know not having them available for a week or so sucks, but I have to make some progress here.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.