Lowest Level to finish

I'm just curious as to what everyone's lowest level is for completing the game?
The first time through, I ended up somewhere around 28 or 29 because I had been playing the demo while I waited for my snail mail registration to arrive at ASW.

Now, I have played four or five games to completion and the lowest level I seem to finish at is 21 or 22. Anyone manage to get through at a much lower level? Not looking for bragging rights or anything, just wondered what others are doing.

Oh, yeah, I still keep finding new things in the game everytime I play through. Recently, I encountered my first and only cowardly minotaur. He ganged up on me with a Sea Giant and when I was pounding on both of them, the Minotaur took off running. I ended up chasing him all over the place and he finally ran off into the woods where I couldn't go after him. I about lost it laughing at the guy. The rest of them always seem to fight to the death, (their's now.)


Hey, the same thing happened to me too! Beating on a sea giant, minotaur comes along, then runs like heck. Thought process: "Hmmm, he's wailing on a sea giant. The sea giant doesn't seem to be getting many blows in, and he's looking pretty beat. But that knight guy is stilil as fresh as when he started! Methinks discretion is the better part of valor." 😄

But in re your question, I by some amazing stroke of luck won by level 20. I stumbled on the mushroom early in the game, and I think that had a major effect on my hitpoints (forgive my rougelike terming of it, that's what I'm used to).

A Whisky and Splash (of Soda)

In the Land of Fwaah, there is much...... fwaah. And the people of the Land of Fwaah, they..... well, they fwaah a lot.

i think i beat it at level 17 with 400-500 hp but im not really sure. my vitality was around 50 and dext probably 70 and str at 120 and luck 90. im goin thru now again and im at level 23 with 800 hp with 300+in each stat (except mind undead and speed)

I made the finish on my first attempt at around level 20-21, without any massive stats (str dex luck etc. all around 20), but I took the roundabout route to find some of the quests, so I figure it can be done at least two levels lower.

The running away thing happens a lot with all of the creatures - if I get unlucky enough to fight three at once, once I have killed two (or get all three down to red in their life bars) the third usually runs away, and I have to chase him down if I want the exp points badly enough

I beat the game at level 23 I think. 😕


Originally posted by blaggs:
**I made the finish on my first attempt at around level 20-21, without any massive stats (str dex luck etc. all around 20), but I took the roundabout route to find some of the quests, so I figure it can be done at least two levels lower.

The running away thing happens a lot with all of the creatures - if I get unlucky enough to fight three at once, once I have killed two (or get all three down to red in their life bars) the third usually runs away, and I have to chase him down if I want the exp points badly enough**

I was going to post here to but he allready said what I was going to say. sorry

this space left intentionally blank

Lvl 21 with 156hp str 17 dex 20 vit 20, and lots and lots of filters

The iMac with the shiny Chrome finish.