Exploring Invincibility Cavern

I have been exploring the Caverns, and according to one guide I read I am to be sure and "explore the cavern" where the Invincibility powerup is. I jumped and spin jumped and shot everywhere I could. The only unusual thing that happened was that when I jumped high enough and shot, I dislodged the three stalagtites from the ceiling. They fell into the water, but shooting them revealed nothing. I could stand on them, but didn't "discover" anything else. Is there something else to this cave area or something I'm missing with the stalagtites?



Originally posted by Marcy:
**I have been exploring the Caverns, and according to one guide I read I am to be sure and "explore the cavern" where the Invincibility powerup is. I jumped and spin jumped and shot everywhere I could. The only unusual thing that happened was that when I jumped high enough and shot, I dislodged the three stalagtites from the ceiling. They fell into the water, but shooting them revealed nothing. I could stand on them, but didn't "discover" anything else. Is there something else to this cave area or something I'm missing with the stalagtites?


I wanted to know that too when I got there. Sometimes, Ben puts powerups in places for no reason. The stalagtites are not susposed to do anything, they're just for scenery. Hope that clears things up. 😉

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"

  • Dr. Strangelove
    "For as long as I can remember, I've had memories."
  • Colin Mochrie, Who's Line is it Anyway?

That powerup is really useful for getting past the spikes and beating up the spiders along there though.

Liz the Wiz:)

There are two rules for ultimate success in life. (1) Never tell everything you know.


Originally posted by Ice:
**The stalagtites are not susposed to do anything, they're just for scenery.


hehe, not in my levels 😉

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(quote)Originally posted by PCheese:
**hehe, not in my levels:p

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"

  • Dr. Strangelove
    "For as long as I can remember, I've had memories."
  • Colin Mochrie, Who's Line is it Anyway?


Originally posted by Ice:
**The stalagtites are not susposed to do anything, they're just for scenery.

Not nescicarily, I think that if you manage to drop one on an enimies head than it will kill whatever it is

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The games of Ambrosia that have died: (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum7/HTML/000641.html#")Ferazel's Wand: The Magic is gone(/url) (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum3/HTML/000749.html#")Ares: The Last battle(/url)


Originally posted by Overrider720:
**Not nescicarily, I think that if you manage to drop one on an enimies head than it will kill whatever it is


Yeah, but I mean, that there are only a few in the game (all in one place), and no enimies around it. I didn't mean in your own levels, I ment Ben used them for scenery in his levels. You can do much more. PCheese found out a great use for them in his levels....

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"

  • Dr. Strangelove
    "For as long as I can remember, I've had memories."
  • Colin Mochrie, Who's Line is it Anyway?

You must be talking about the invincebillity room in Central Caverns.

*Do you have th MASCOT editor?

*If so, do you edit?

*If so if so, do you sleep walk? :rolleyes:

If none you are familliar with, I don't know about "THE MYSTERY OF THE DISSAPEARING INVINCEBILLITY SPHERE."

I'm tired of my old Nah nah nah signature.

-Ferazel999999 or Ferazel999


Bringing up topics that died over three quarters of a year ago is generaly frowned upon.

Signature currently in development.


Originally posted by Thok:
**Bringing up topics that died over three quarters of a year ago is generaly frowned upon.


in agreement w/ above

What do you think your parents would do if you got a tattoo?
"No Mom!!!!, not the cheese grater!!!"