Where Is Septemris?

I found the HIgh Garendall Standard and it says to give it to Septemris but I can't seem to find'em. A little help here please. . .


He is the guy with the really long beard at the learning tree.

Really? I could've sworn that his name was 'Master Emilius'. . . 😕


Oops :redface: sorry I got confused he is actually the guy that trains you. When you give him the HIgh Garendall Standard he will train you into a knight.

Sorry, but what exactly is the "High Garandell Standard"??? And where?

Best Regards

"HE who has won against every Molespiders, Mindhunters and Cyclops out there....Thank you Heldan"

If you go 2 screens West form The Northern Territories entrance all the way to the top in the center go 1 screen North there is a temple (get the key from the 3rd level tree to open) go through here then once on the other side go East 1 screen then Zig Zag up to the top then go 2 screens West. all the way to the left edge towards the bottom it'll be laying.


I tried going to that guy who trains me but he doesn't even acknowledge that I have it. I thought his name was Decimus? maybe not. He just tells me to warn the Garrisons of Berglum and Dernath and neither of them give hoot. Whats up?


Decimus is not the person who trains you, he is the general you save from the Ghost Swamp. Septemris is the guy who lives in the Knighthood House one screen south of Fantrima. If he tells you to warn Berglum and Dernath, then warn 'em. when you get the chance, just tell the Captains in Berglum and Dernath that you speak on behalf of General Decimus, and they'll listen to you. then go to Septemris and he'll train you to become a Knight.


Thanx alot!! I knew it was simple. . .
