Xichra's Lair

Why is his identity a secret because he's in the Purple Haze? It doesn't make any since to me why that's a secret.


Harry, Harry, Harry. How many times do we have to tell you?

PURPLE HAZE IS A SECRET LEVEL. There, are you happy now?

There are many people you will meet when you finally get there. When you get there you will UNDERSTAND after reading the notice right at the beginning.



"We do not see things the way they are. We see things the way 'we' are." Anais Nin

Fine fine fine fine fine. But I still don't get any of this P.H. stuff.
And why is P.H. a S.L.? (I know I know. You told me not to ask another question, but I just have to figure out all this secret coded stuff about P.H. stuff your saying.(( it seems secret coded to me. )) hmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder why alot of people ask questions I can't answer?) Oh and, sorry I keep asking questions. Look I will if you tell me anything at all about P.H. that I can actually understand. Everything you have previously told me about P.H. I can't really understand. Oh and, if you tell me I won't understand anything about P.H. until I get there, I can understand that.



Originally posted by Thok:
**I htae tpyos;)
How should have been who... My fingers are very demonic and treacherous these days...

Makin' a few typos huh? I htae tpyos should have been I hate typos. There's no such word as htae or tpyos, and I know that for sure.


...continueing last topic... Shouldn't have demonic and treacherous been domestic and treasureous?



Originally posted by MonsterLady:
**Harry, Harry, Harry. How many times do we have to tell you?

PURPLE HAZE IS A SECRET LEVEL. There, are you happy now?

There are many people you will meet when you finally get there. When you get there you will UNDERSTAND after reading the notice right at the beginning.



Secret, secret, secret, secret, secret. You guys say EVERYTING about P.H. is a secret. Too many secrets! Okay maybe it isn't.



Originally posted by harryfan23:
**Secret, secret, secret, secret, secret. You guys say EVERYTING about P.H. is a secret. Too many secrets! Okay maybe it isn't.


It's intended as a joke/fun level. We don't want to spoil it for you - or anyone else who hasn't been there.

Liz the Wiz 🙂

There are two rules for ultimate success in life. (1) Never tell everything you know.

(This message has been edited by lizwiz (edited 07-19-2002).)


Originally posted by lizwiz:
**It's intended as a joke/fun level. We don't want to spoil it for you - or anyone else who hasn't been there.

Oh, I get it now. Common, just one thing about it that won't give it away? (I understand if everything about it will spoil it.)



Originally posted by harryfan23:
**Oh, I get it now. Common, just one thing about it that won't give it away? (I understand if everything about it will spoil it.)

The creators of the game are in it they're there for joke.

All hell that ends well -Me
Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
(url="http://"http://www.weebl.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/b3ta/pie.html")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.liquid2k.com/ethan_sucks/quiz6/pumpkin.jpg") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.magleague.com")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)


Posted by harryfan23:
Too many secrets

That was a good movie Of course, if you don't know what movie that's from, I just ruined the part of the mystery should you ever watch it.

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
(url="http://"http://drtalll.tripod.com")Dr Tall Land(/url)

Getting back to the original topic...

How's this for pathetic - today, for the first time, I finally beat Xichra, without cheating. I'd beaten her before, only by Ferazediting though (99 smite rings usually does the trick).

Used up almost all of my seeds, about 6 smite rings, and 10 of my 12 rez necklaces. I think the secret is to zap her with a spell (I used the V blade) when she's down after a seed "hit".

Now... onto Dr. Tall land...

"We do not see things the way they are. We see things the way 'we' are." Anais Nin


Originally posted by MonsterLady:
**Getting back to the original topic...

How's this for pathetic - today, for the first time, I finally beat Xichra, without cheating. I'd beaten her before, only by Ferazediting though (99 smite rings usually does the trick).

Used up almost all of my seeds, about 6 smite rings, and 10 of my 12 rez necklaces. I think the secret is to zap her with a spell (I used the V blade) when she's down after a seed "hit".

Now... onto Dr. Tall land...


Well, personally I now officially hate you. And it would appear very small of me to take away karma from you because I hate you. So I won't. But I wanna!! ::stomping foot and scowling very nastily:: Oh yeah and..:::shaking fist:::

Oh good grief. Who can hate ML? It would be like hating Mother Theresa or something. ::muttering::


I am your Fairy Godmoderator.

Hug your local Pipey.


Originally posted by Zelda:
Well, personally I now officially hate you. And it would appear very small of me to take away karma from you because I hate you. So I won't. But I wanna!! ::stomping foot and scowling very nastily:: Oh yeah and..:::shaking fist:::

Oh good grief. Who can hate ML? It would be like hating Mother Theresa or something. ::muttering::



Don't worry, I can't beat her without cheating either

Good point, there is no way to hate ML 🙂

All hell that ends well -Me
Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
(url="http://"http://www.weebl.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/b3ta/pie.html")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.liquid2k.com/ethan_sucks/quiz6/pumpkin.jpg") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.magleague.com")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)

You guys make me laugh. Mother Theresa. HAHAHAHA.

You just ask my daughter - I'm easy to hate.
Yesterday I yelled at her for having such a messy room.
Unfortunately I discovered exactly how messy it was when I went in to fetch some clothes for her AFTER I had given approval for a sleepover at a friend's house - she was already there so I just had to take her stuff over to her. Not much of an opportunity for punishment during summer holidays when she's never home - always out with her friends swimming and biking and hiking and camping. She says her room was clean before she left for horse camp, but obviously it self-exploded seconds before I walked in yesterday (note: subtle use of sarcasm). Couldn't find a thing. Clothes everywhere - couldn't tell what was dirty or clean. Bed not made. Dishes on the headboard. Books all over the floor and bed. Magazines and comics strewn about. After searching for 15 minutes I finally located what I hope are somewhat clean PJ's, then closed the door as I left. The room WILL be cleaned the next time she's home. Until then the door is staying closed. (Probably won't see her now until Labour Day.) End of rant.

So, I'm far from perfect, but don't hate me for finally beating Xichra - all it means is that if I can beat her, you CAN do it too. Just save up all your rez necklaces!


"We do not see things the way they are. We see things the way 'we' are." Anais Nin


Originally posted by pab2003:
**The odd thing is, I've been all through the labyrinth and still haven't found Dimbo....it even says I've found 100% of the secrets at the end of the board...odd...


That's because where Dimbo is isn't a secret spot. I found that out on the level editor. I'm stuck on the Labyrinth and haven't found Dimbo yet. (Oh that anoyying level).



Originally posted by Thok:
**I know for sure Xichra is beatable, as I've seen my brother do it. How many seeds? I have no clue. If you haven't rescued Dimbo, do so, (he's in The Labyrinth ) as that will get you 99 fire seeds and 99 zir. seeds, both of which can be used to fight Xichra. If you have rescued Dimbo, but don't have the seeds, go see Nimbo in River of Fears.

Hope this helps, Thok.

I also hope you become a frequent poster here, as we are running short.


I rescued Dimbo but didn't get the seeds, I had even seen Nimbo before, odd... :mad: :frown:


You have to get to "Ends of the Earth", and then once you're past the guard and barrier, go back to Nimbo to get your seeds.

"We do not see things the way they are. We see things the way 'we' are." Anais Nin



That's where the Perm Flag for it was set.

All hell that ends well -Me
Are you accusing me of planting the bomb in that building that I put a bomb in??? -Me
(url="http://"http://www.weebl.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/b3ta/pie.html")Weebl and Bob(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.liquid2k.com/ethan_sucks/quiz6/pumpkin.jpg") Pumpkin Puke(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.magleague.com")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"http://community.the-underdogs.org/smiley/gallery.htm")Underdog Smiles(/url)


Originally posted by Overrider720:
**That's where the Perm Flag for it was set.


What's a permanite flag set? (Did I spell permanite right?)
