one ferazel- baked alaska grrr

ok, i have gotten to baked alaska in one ferazel against the world. i can't figure out how to get anywhere in it, though, because i get burned up by the fire. so, can someone give me a hint....puhleeese? can i get somewhere by going into the water? i need to work on my dissertation, so i have to get through this first or i wont be able to concentrate (lame ph.d. student excuse).


you can take a line and
say it isn't straight but
that aint gonna change
its shape


Originally posted by sproutsie:
i can't figure out how to get anywhere in it, though, because i get burned up by the fire.

The level isn't done yet. If you read the read me file, it says that. I guess this means you've already beat the game. 😄

"A game can only be late a month once, but it can suck forever."