Storm Valley Rest Area

"Uh, uh, hi Morgan!" Stammers Begemotike to the already gone whirlwind of activity. "And um... thanks for the Waldorf Salad! I've always wanted to taste some ever since I watched Fawlty Towers.." Helping himself to a liberal helping, he sat backw with a whumpf and loosened his belt a notch. "I think this is going to be my last helping," he sighed happily , and looked around at all the other stuffed, some now silently vegitating, people around him. "looks like I'm not the only one! Now I just have to finish this off,pour myself a glass of wine, and settle down to a cozy evening by the fire telling tales."

I may not have the strength to hold you up/ but if you fall/ I will fall under you/ and make it as soft as I can
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(url="http://"") Resistance Web Page (/url)

MonsterLady looks around the room. The table had been cleared and the leftovers put away.

"We've got plenty of turkey for sandwiches. I guess I'll put a batch of bread in the oven. I'm surprised we didn't get a few more for dinner (MonsterLady always likes plenty of company), but if they stop in for leftovers that will be okay too."

Bread done, MonsterLady takes a chair by the fire. She can hear the storm raging outside, but feels safe and secure.

Everyone seems happy and content. Just the way she likes it!

She turns to Begemotike. "It was so nice to have you join us. Please do stay and share some more wine. We also have some Kokanee in the fridge."

It is better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. (I wish I could remember this before posting!)

Sorry i'm late. I'm thankful for everyone here. it's just been so wonderful to meet all of you 🙂

I'll have a sandwhich being i didn't get any of the feast last night

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
All quiet on the western Front. But not for long.... OH SAY CAN YOU SEE!!!!!!!!........
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

Hi, sorry I'm late! We don't do Thanksgiving this side of the pond, but I would love a turkey sandwich 🙂

"I think there is a world market for about five computers."
- Thomas J. Watson, founder of IBM

Do you do anything similar?

Canadian Thanksgiving is actually the second Monday in October.

By the way - help yourself - lots of leftover turkey if you saw the one Clam 2000 brought!

Yesterday MonsterLady sat in front of the bigscreen and watched the Calgary Stampeders beat an obviously superiour Winnipeg Blue Bombers in the Grey Cup. Yahoo! (I may live in BC but I'm a bred, born & raised Calgarian). (Sorry Merc)

It is better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. (I wish I could remember this before posting!)


Originally posted by MonsterLady:
**Do you do anything similar?

Canadian Thanksgiving is actually the second Monday in October.


We have Harvest Festival, which tends to be a church thing and is a moveable feast somewhere in between the middle of September and the beginning of October, but it is on a Sunday and is noway a public holiday.

Liz the Wiz:)

"I don't suffer from insanity,
I enjoy every minute of it." 🙂

sigh what a day.

Good thing I have a place to relax and talk

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
All quiet on the western Front. But not for long.... OH SAY CAN YOU SEE!!!!!!!!........
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

Zelda pops in. "Hey, you all..I was in Tulsa for the holiday. Silly family stuff. But I would have loved to have shared it all with you. Got any leftovers? Any more wine?"


I am your Fairy Godmoderator.

Hey, if you're in love with someone, then you have every right to completely screw up their life.--cynical me!


Originally posted by Zelda:
**Zelda pops in. "Hey, you all..I was in Tulsa for the holiday. Silly family stuff. But I would have loved to have shared it all with you. Got any leftovers? Any more wine?"


so that's where you've been! There's plenty of leftoves and wine i'm sure 🙂

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
All quiet on the western Front. But not for long.... OH SAY CAN YOU SEE!!!!!!!!........
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

"It would seem," Begemotike grumbles as he pulled his armchair closer to the fire, "that I managed to catch the flu while out in that blasted storm. Oh well... it's nice and cozy here!" He leans his head back, absorbing the warmth from the fire. "Looks like the whole gang is finally here, too, now that Zelda showed up. How nice!"

I may not have the strength to hold you up/ but if you fall/ I will fall under you/ and make it as soft as I can
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(url="http://"") Resistance Web Page (/url)

Zelda raises an eyebrow and casts an appraising look at Begemotike while she shrugs out ofh her cloak. "Still? Seen a doctor yet?" She tucks a quilt around Begemotike and begins to make him a cup of tea. "Hope you don't mind, MonsterLady. Overrider? I'll take that glass of wine! Oh..and it's good to see you back here. Quite good, indeed."


I am your Fairy Godmoderator.

Hey, if you're in love with someone, then you have every right to completely screw up their life.--cynical me!

Would you like a nice soak in the Ziridium Brine Beg?

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
All quiet on the western Front. But not for long.... OH SAY CAN YOU SEE!!!!!!!!........
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7


MonsterLady wakes up from dozing by the fire with a start. "Was someone talking to me?"

"Oh, yes, well, uh huh." She mumbles, trying to follow the conversation. "Do get into the brine and soak away that cold, Beg. Zelda - help yourself to whatever you can find." MonsterLady hopes that what she has said makes sense and falls back asleep.

(She will probably wake up in a couple of days when she is back from her business trip. You're all on your own until Friday. Drove 800 km today and my back is killing me! I wish for a real life Ziridium brine.)

It is better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. (I wish I could remember this before posting!)

oh that sticks ML, hope you feel better

OV takes out his wand and starts making little sparks

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
All quiet on the western Front. But not for long.... OH SAY CAN YOU SEE!!!!!!!!........
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7

"Thanks Overrider, I think I'll take you up on that - and you too, Monsterlady - Ziridium Brine offer. I'm not sure what it is, though... " Begemotike disapears into an adjacent room, and then reappears wearing his swim shorts. Lowering himself gingerly into the pool, he gives a satisfied sigh and relaxes, getting ready to wait for the tea Zelda is preparing so thoughtfully. "I'm feeling tons better already! Must be all the nice people here."

I may not have the strength to hold you up/ but if you fall/ I will fall under you/ and make it as soft as I can
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(url="http://"") Resistance Web Page (/url)

Zelda finishes brewing the tea and tsks. "Don't know what Ziridium brine ought to try playing this game. You just MIGHT figure it out." Hands Begemotike the tea. "Nice stuff, isn't it? The brine, I mean."


I am your Fairy Godmoderator.

Hey, if you're in love with someone, then you have every right to completely screw up their life.--cynical me!

CyberGran wanders in looking decidedly wet. Oh Zelda is that a cup of tea I see? Can I have one? I didn't think you made tea in America.

CyberGran take a quick dip in the Ziridium brine. Oooohhhh! That's better! I feel almost normal again.

Insanity is heriditary,
You get it from your
children 😄
Visit (url="http://"")Cybergran's Homepage(/url)

Liz the Wiz walks in looking very pleased with herself, and see CyberGran sitting in the corner. Hello CyberGran - where have you been - I haven't seen you for ages.

Hi Begemotike, Zelda, everyone! By the way Zelda thanks for the powerup - Is there any more of that tea going?

Liz the Wiz 🙂

"I don't suffer from insanity,
I enjoy every minute of it." 🙂

(This message has been edited by lizwiz (edited 11-30-2001).)

Hi LizWiz - I've been around - I just don't make as much noise as you.
Have you seen Malc just recently - he was supposed to be sending me some sprite stuff, but I haven't got it yet.
Have a turkey sandwich!

Insanity is heriditary,
You get it from your
children 😄
Visit (url="http://"")Cybergran's Homepage(/url)

Looks around. I think we need a change of color. Let's paint the cabin when it stops raining!

stops raining

Well what da you know!

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
There are 9 people in this world. Those who can eat and those who don't know how to write a sig.
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
AIM: Overrider720, Ferazel17 or WhiteStreak7