More BN?

A certain and unexpected uprising of support for Basic Nothingness has happened lately. I got a very nice trophy for my work on Well-Paid in Newfoundland (nod to Overrider), and Ice (among others) have threatened legal action if I don't continue. 🙂

So, what's your opinion? Do you care to see a Basic Nothingness X? Hrm, X is taken already. Bah, I'll think of a clever rename later. 🙂

If so, I can execute a nice ending that I'd been planning since the beginning...

The entity of spamguy , under the declaration of the Department of Operations, asks that all users hunt down and taunt labelled Trippsians and/or fractured thinkers. These felons are particularly easy to overcome (and be overcome they must!), for they don't use bats, unless they do. (12.30)


Originally posted by spamguy:
**A certain and unexpected uprising of support for Basic Nothingness has happened lately. I got a very nice trophy for my work on Well-Paid in Newfoundland (nod to Overrider), and Ice (among others) have threatened legal action if I don't continue.:)

So, what's your opinion? Do you care to see a Basic Nothingness X? Hrm, X is taken already. Bah, I'll think of a clever rename later. 🙂

If so, I can execute a nice ending that I'd been planning since the beginning...


Yea! Go for it! It will be great to have more levels in Basic Nothingness. I'd put myself down for beta tester if I thought there was a chance of getting the job.

Liz the Wiz:)

There are two rules for ultimate success in life. (1) Never tell everything you know.

Do it!!! I love BN!!!!!!

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room!"

  • Dr. Strangelove
    "For as long as I can remember, I've had memories."
  • Colin Mochrie, Who's Line is it Anyway?

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
The games of Ambrosia that have died: (url="http://"")Ferazel's Wand: The Magic is gone(/url) (url="http://"")Ares: The Last battle(/url)

Yes! Surpass Dr. tall's 53 levels! 😄

Check out my website: (url="http://"") for Orthographic Universe, MacBrickout levels, and much more!
"The box said Windows 95 or better, so I bought a mac."

(quote)Originally posted by spamguy:
**A certain and unexpected uprising of support for Basic Nothingness has happened lately. I got a very nice trophy for my work on Well-Paid in Newfoundland (nod to Overrider), and Ice (among others) have threatened legal action if I don't continue.;)

::runs back::
Oh yeah, and the X as in Extemporaneous X is taken. I thought of it before anyone! So don't even try any of that... well... if it will get you to release a conclusion to BN... 🙂

Oh, and Overrider thank you very much and I will respond to your post later in full. I just haven't sat down to write thoughtfully yet. Soon though. Before Extemporaneous X is released anyway. 🙂

Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers -- unless they do. This one did. Ouch! -Ralph Wiggum
Extemporaneous** since November 2, 2000
Download (url="http://";=Extemporaneous.sit.hqx")Extemporaneous 0.5(/url) for Ferazel's Wand.
Visit the (url="http://"")Extemporaneous Website(/url).


OK, I'll tell the truth. I was going to shove a new BN down your gagging and unwilling throats, and I was going to make sure you liked it. It was all an ego boost so I could get an unprescribed overdose of importance. Happy? 😉

The entity of spamguy , under the declaration of the Department of Operations, asks that all users hunt down and taunt labelled Trippsians and/or fractured thinkers. These felons are particularly easy to overcome (and be overcome they must!), for they don't use bats, unless they do. (12.30)


Posted by cat99:
Yes! Surpass Dr. tall's 53 levels!

Unless I have gone totally insane, Dr Tall Land has 52 levels.

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
(url="http://"")Dr Tall Land(/url)


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**Unless I have gone totally insane, Dr Tall Land has 52 levels.


Easily fixed, I'd guess. 🙂

The entity of spamguy , under the declaration of the Department of Operations, asks that all users hunt down and taunt labelled Trippsians and/or fractured thinkers. These felons are particularly easy to overcome (and be overcome they must!), for they don't use bats, unless they do. (12.30)

Here's the plan.

I have between 3 to 6 levels on the draft board. I don't know how many I'll use, but I started on one new level today. Call it Some Assembly Required. It requires a lot of precision testing before release, and soon you'll see why. 🙂

Following that I plan at least 2 levels attached to the western direction. No idea how that'll work out.

Following that I'll try and wrap it up with 2 levels back on the east. That would bring the level count up to 11 levels, an impressive number considering many other computer half-bakeds I've made in the past.

And that'll be it. Version 1.0. No more additions. I'll be sad to cut it off, but it can't go on forever with no end, you understand. I'm sure you don't want to be left hanging either. 🙂

The entity of spamguy , under the declaration of the Department of Operations, asks that all users hunt down and taunt labelled Trippsians and/or fractured thinkers. These felons are particularly easy to overcome (and be overcome they must!), for they don't use bats, unless they do. (12.30)

Maybe I had better hurry up on Extemporaneous, keep it all competitive an what not. See competition is good! Told ya Bill (Gates.)

Spamguy- I am very glad you have decided to finish BN. At first I thought you would were serious about the whole ignoring it thing. So thank you for being a pioneer, provider of fine goods, and the person who created the most beautiful and challenging add-on to date. Now get to work on more BN! 🙂

Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers -- unless they do. This one did. Ouch! -Ralph Wiggum
Extemporaneous since November 2, 2000
Download (url="http://";=Extemporaneous.sit.hqx")Extemporaneous 0.5(/url) for Ferazel's Wand.
Visit the (url="http://"")Extemporaneous Website(/url).

I know I keep saying that this time I really will ignore it, only to come back to add on even more bizarre stuff.

This time, I aim to keep my promise. After this, it's the end. Finis. Das Ende. No more. An end will have been reached, so no point to adding to it some more.

/me gets cracking on more BN...

The entity of spamguy , under the declaration of the Department of Operations, asks that all users hunt down and taunt labelled Trippsians and/or fractured thinkers. These felons are particularly easy to overcome (and be overcome they must!), for they don't use bats, unless they do. (12.30)

(quote)Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
Oh, and Overrider thank you very much and I will respond to your post later in full. I just haven't sat down to write thoughtfully yet. Soon though. Before Extemporaneous X is released anyway.:) 🙂 🙂

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
(url="http://"")GameRanger--Sß-Overrider720(/url) | (url="http://"")BoardGame(/url) | (url="http://"")MaG League- Overrider(/url)**
The Underdogs Smiles:(url="http://"")Underdog Smiles(/url)
The games of Ambrosia that have died: (url="http://"")Ferazel's Wand: The Magic is gone(/url) (url="http://"")Ares: The Last battle(/url)