How the heck do you beat the last level???

Ok, Im on what I think is the last level (the flying boss). But I cant beat it. I use fire seeds to knock it down using the cannons, but after a while my fire seeds dont come out of ferazels hand, they just roll on the floor even when im up high. So there is no way in heck I can kill it without being able to hit it. Maybe its a bug, and if so what can I do? Im using version 1.03.


It's a little cheap, but if you climb up the left wall and jump, you can stand on top of it. From there, you can kill Xichra with (relative) ease.

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 08-07-2001).)

that's not what he's saying blackdog. He knows what to do but it won't let him do it.

This has happened to me too. :frown: This has to be THE most iritating bug in the game. :frown: It's a bug and the only thing you can do is wait and hope it stops soon :frown:

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Ferazel17


Posted by Blackdog:
It's a little cheap, but if you climb up the left wall and jump, you can stand on top of it. From there, you can kill Xichra with (relative) ease.

Oh but you can't do that in Dr Tall Land...unless of course you like eating arrows 😛

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

There is another option, (which is still cheating) download Ferazel Edit from the Addon Files Page:
Give yourself Smite Rings. Lots of Smite Rings.
And yes, Overrider is right that bug is BAD! Maybe it will evaporate in 1.04. However, 1.04's release date is currently the day in which Fire In the Hole freezes over. 😉

Bushes are nice 'cause they don't have prickers -- unless they do. This one did. Ouch! -Ralph Wiggum
Download (url="http://";=Extemporaneous.sit.hqx")Extemporaneous 0.5(/url) for Ferazel's Wand.
Visit the (url="http://"")Extemporaneous Website(/url).

I have to confess that I have NEVER won without using Ferazedit, despite my good intentions. After dying too many times (or having the "fire seeds dribble out of my hand" bug) I always end up cheating. (sigh)

Maybe it's because I'm old & not as nimble on the keyboard as you young folk. (Happy birthday to me tomorrow - I'm older than dirt).

I like to give myself 99 smite rings. Does that count as "lots?" 😉

It is better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. (I wish I could remember this before posting!)


Originally posted by MonsterLady:
**I have to confess that I have NEVER won without using Ferazedit, despite my good intentions. After dying too many times (or having the "fire seeds dribble out of my hand" bug) I always end up cheating. (sigh)

Maybe it's because I'm old & not as nimble on the keyboard as you young folk. (Happy birthday to me tomorrow - I'm older than dirt).

I like to give myself 99 smite rings. Does that count as "lots?" 😉

Happy birthday. And you're only as old as you feel.

Look at the stars, that's your life. Look at the dirt, that's your life too. Look to all sides of yourself and see what really isn't your life, but a fantasy dreamt of by others and forced upon you in whole.


(quote)Originally posted by MonsterLady:
**I have to confess that I have NEVER won without using Ferazedit, despite my good intentions. After dying too many times (or having the "fire seeds dribble out of my hand" bug) I always end up cheating. (sigh)

Maybe it's because I'm old & not as nimble on the keyboard as you young folk. (Happy birthday to me tomorrow - I'm older than dirt).

I like to give myself 99 smite rings. Does that count as "lots?" 😉

Happy Birthday, MonsterLady! May you always have a smite ring handy, you never know when you'll need one. (I could have used one today in traffic.)

We're always getting new dirt, you know.


I am your Fairy Godmoderator.

Hey, if you're in love with someone, then you have every right to completely screw up their life.--cynical me!

Arrg...that's what I get for not reading the whole post.


Originally posted by MonsterLady:
**I have to confess that I have NEVER won without using Ferazedit, despite my good intentions.

Hi, MonsterLady and all.....It sounded as though your post was written by me...including the "older than dirt." I play Ferazel for fun and when it ceases to be fun, I call on Ferazedit. I have never been able to get up that last spiked wall to Zichra.....the one where you have to use the tree stump or icewall. I will eventually go back and try some more, but not now. Right now, I'm running "The Gauntlet." Enough said....I can't get out! HELP, Emperor!

Happy birthday, MonsterLady! Thanks for all your help.



Put all your eggs in one basket and -- WATCH THAT BASKET.

I have been able to do all the game around until I reached the Ends of the Earth. There, I was blocked by the door (you know, with all the pushing stuff). I made it once by chance. Xichra is impossible to beat without cheating.



Originally posted by MonsterLady:
**I have to confess that I have NEVER won without using Ferazedit, despite my good intentions. After dying too many times (or having the "fire seeds dribble out of my hand" bug) I always end up cheating. (sigh)

Maybe it's because I'm old & not as nimble on the keyboard as you young folk. (Happy birthday to me tomorrow - I'm older than dirt).

I like to give myself 99 smite rings. Does that count as "lots?" 😉


Happy Birthday Monsterlady!

I do the exact same thing

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Ferazel17

Ha! Am I the only one who has beaten Xichra without cheating??? In fact, I think she was easy! When I beat Xichra for the first time (which wasn't much after the first time I battled her) I had 2 RezNecklaces at the start. 0 Smite Rings. 1 health ptn. and 1 magic ptn. And when I beat her I had 2 RezNecklaces and 1 health ptn. 🆒

(url="http://"")C0ZM0's World Home Page(/url)
(url="http://"")Get ResEdit!(/url) | (url="http://";=FerazelEditor.sit.bin")Get MASCOT!(/url)


Originally posted by (0ZM0:
**Ha! Am I the only one who has beaten Xichra without cheating??? In fact, I think she was easy! When I beat Xichra for the first time (which wasn't much after the first time I battled her) I had 2 RezNecklaces at the start. 0 Smite Rings. 1 health ptn. and 1 magic ptn. And when I beat her I had 2 RezNecklaces and 1 health ptn.


I either ran out of magic or couldn't shoot my fire seeds/ziridium seeds right when she started blinking each time I tried. Maybe I should try with magic potions...

Visit The Search for Lezaref Website at (url="http://"")


Originally posted by PCheese:
**I either ran out of magic or couldn't shoot my fire seeds/ziridium seeds right when she started blinking each time I tried. Maybe I should try with magic potions...

My problem as well. I couldn't get my shots off. They just dribbled out Ferazel's hand. It was horribly frustrating.


I am your Fairy Godmoderator.

Hey, if you're in love with someone, then you have every right to completely screw up their life.--cynical me!

Well, I guess I'm lucky to not have that fire seed bug... Maybe that's why I'm quite unlucky with my latest level in C0ZM0's World. Also, that level's number is 13.

(url="http://"")C0ZM0's World Home Page(/url)
(url="http://"")Get ResEdit!(/url) | (url="http://";=FerazelEditor.sit.bin")Get MASCOT!(/url)

Ok, I finally beat it. It just took some persistance. Apparently the bug doesnt happen every time. Its quite annoying, but it can be worked around.
