Karma county

Opening this topic for a bit again... 🙂

I absolutely agree with Zelda here. Honestly, I think the karma system is broken, if not corrupt, and the dishonest out there have R&D; departments to figure out ways around karma. I don't like it at all, and if I had my way, I'd toss it out in a second.

But it's not like that. Here's how I give karma: if you do something stupid on here or on any board, I (or someone) will karmaslap you. If you go a long while without repeating that stupidness, you will either burn off the bad karma with frequent posting, or I will give it back. Aussie doesn't post volumes of stuff, so I gave him pity for being a good boy lately.

Not to say you're not all good boys. Zelda sure isn't, she's a lady. (rimshot) Sometimes I have stints of handing out karma for little reason. The rest of the time I just plain forget. If I do forget, do not bug me or any mod. It is my way to karmaslap people who beg for karma, just like I beat up bums that ask for money on Guadalupe Street (not really :)).

OK...I'm done. Back to work, slaves! 😉

NOTICE! Any observed act of kindness to other members, SenSsibel yuse of grammeR / splleng / smilies 🙂 😄 :p, and posting unbiased content is forbidden, and violators will be spanked and sent to bed without dinner. (8/6)