No fair!

Moderators get to unlock a topic, post something, and re-lock it, but we don't! :frown:

Anyway, if the "Questions about moderaters" topic was open, I'd reply to the last part of "Hey, you, stupid"'s 😄 post:


From The Hunting of the Snark: An Agony in Eight Fits:

He would answer to "Hi!" or to any loud cry,
Such as "Fry me!" or "Fritter my wig!"
To "What-you-may-call-um!" or "What-was-his-name!"
But especially "Thing-um-a-jig!"

While, for those who preferred a more forcible word,
He had different names from these:
His intimate friends called him "Candle-ends,"
And his enemies "Toasted-cheese."

Most people are swindled into believing stupid things like Santa, the Tooth Fairy, God(s), etc.
They later side with common sense and stop believing in most of them.
Yet most refuse to let go of the ridiculous notion of the existence of God(s).

Oh but that's not all. Moderators get to unlock a topic, edit something they said or something you said, and relock the topic. Moderators get to visit the War Room (or whatever you want to call it, DONT DENY IT!!! 😉 ). (Moderators are on Andrew's payrole to disavow any knowledge of the War Room). Moderators also get to :frown: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :frown:

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**Oh but that's not all. Moderators get to unlock a topic, edit something they said or something you said, and relock the topic. Moderators get to visit the War Room (or whatever you want to call it, DONT DENY IT!!!;) ). (Moderators are on Andrew's payrole to disavow any knowledge of the War Room). Moderators also get to :frown: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :frown:

I'll tell anyone who're much cooler than me.


I am your Fairy Godmoderator.

All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows--Merciless

Yep. I spend hours upon hours in front of my trusty iMac, not paying attention to reality, neglecting my environment outside of a one-meter sphere, forgetting to breathe for hours because I'm fixated on an "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" slide slow referred to me at Just Chat. Weeks of detritus matter queueing on my skin as I type profanities at a spammer. Ah yes...I am so cool. 😉

Becoming a mod is an upgrade in name only...the free business-class week-long vacations to the Swiss Alps and six-figure salaries are merely superficial benefits. 😉

Greetings - I am your friendly neighborhood moderator. Over the coming years I shall force-feed you my biased one-sided liberal tripe that I find truthful based upon my own faulty and fragmented logic; excessive smileys 🙂 🙂 🙂 and bizarre TexT! formatting also help clarify my inane points. Welcome to the boards!

No Kidding!! I LOVE that "All your Base" thingy! 😉

-Jimbo is funny, poo smells, and nutcups are good.