Too linear?

Hello guys,

It's the -1 guy speaking again!

I just tried out Prince of Persia 3 and it completely sucked, but it reminded me Prince of Persia 2. It was a great 2D game. It wasn't really a scrolling game, but it worked a bit like Ferazel, with environments (fire, ice, water, forest in Ferazel).

There is something I regret in Ferazel. It's the cutscenes. The character in Prince of Persia 2 was really cool, and the breathtaking scenes made the game alive. However, I have no particular attraction for Ferazel and I don't even care when Xichra is dead. Only for my personal vanity 🙂

What d'you think? Since they shipped Ferazel on CD, cutscenes would be nice. And it wasn't even movies in Pop 2. It was pictures commented by voice & text.

I promise that I will strangle the one who tells me that the miserable pictures (when I get to the sand level, or the fire level) are cutscenes.

What do you think?



Originally posted by Aussie:
**Hello guys,

It's the -1 guy speaking again!

I just tried out Prince of Persia 3 and it completely sucked, but it reminded me Prince of Persia 2. It was a great 2D game. It wasn't really a scrolling game, but it worked a bit like Ferazel, with environments (fire, ice, water, forest in Ferazel).

There is something I regret in Ferazel. It's the cutscenes. The character in Prince of Persia 2 was really cool, and the breathtaking scenes made the game alive. However, I have no particular attraction for Ferazel and I don't even care when Xichra is dead. Only for my personal vanity 🙂

What d'you think? Since they shipped Ferazel on CD, cutscenes would be nice. And it wasn't even movies in Pop 2. It was pictures commented by voice & text.

I promise that I will strangle the one who tells me that the miserable pictures (when I get to the sand level, or the fire level) are cutscenes.

What do you think?

I'm sorry... I don't follow the reason for your post. FW is what it is.

In other words:
"and your point is?"


My guess is that the only reason Ferazel shipped on a CD is that ~80MB is too much for most people to download. Not everyone has broadband, nor do they want to spend half a day downloading a game on dialup.

As for the cutscene thing, that just adds more time to the development cycle (well, if they're done well it does :)) Ferazel doesn't need cutscenes. It has chapter images, similar to the Marathon trilogy (and if you look, a few of them are parodies of said images).

Oh, and when you said that you'd strangle someone who called them cutscenes, I present exhibit A:


Originally posted by Aussie:
There is something I regret in Ferazel. It's the cutscenes

-- Jeff
"All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows." -Merciless

How many will strangle themselves until you are happy, Merciless. Have you no SOUL! 😉

Anyway, a comment about the cutscene s:
I was testing one of my levels, which is based on the Labryinth dimensions, and the cutscene came up. I just realized, "Ferazel is illuminating a image of... Hector (or Hectoress) D. Bryd!"

Everyone likes a good poll, right?

What is your favorite/ least favorite cutscene ?

I particularly like the Ends of the Earth beginning cutscene.

Quote ViaVoice, "Hal Cohen help build Satam sand scratch a flat surface scratches that some scratch that scratches that scratch facts scratcher wraked this scratched tax costs tax this. " Is this ViaVoiceian?

I liked it too. I like also the Flash Freeze "cutscene". It's not a cutscene! It's just a picture!


The best two were Greotius' Death and the Fire One. The Raven was bad and I did not like the desert one either. I was indifferent to the Labryinth one. And was not crazy about the Ends of the Eath one. The Final Cutscene was very cool.

Crime? What crime?... That I killed a vile noxious insect, an old pawnbroker woman, of use to no one! ... Killing her was atonement for forty sins. ... (blood) Which all men shed, which flows and has always flowed in streams, which is split like champagne, and for which men are crowned benefactors of mankind.”
-Crime &Punishment;

ARRRGGGHHH!!! I can't stand it anymore, Ent! 'Greotius' is spelled 'Gerotidus'!
Sorry, being a good speller, I'm naturally a fussy one. Especially with names!


Being both a subern speller and human being, I know how you feel. I apologize to you Gobzilla, I was in a rush. However, the point was delivered attiquitlly the first time. I belive all understood the scene I was refering to.

Crime? What crime?... That I killed a vile noxious insect, an old pawnbroker woman, of use to no one! ... Killing her was atonement for forty sins. ... (blood) Which all men shed, which flows and has always flowed in streams, which is split like champagne, and for which men are crowned benefactors of mankind.”
-Crime &Punishment;

I hate all of the "cutscenes".
I'd rather get on with the gameplay.

Most people are swindled into believing stupid things like Santa, the Tooth Fairy, God(s), etc.
They later side with common sense and stop believing in most of them.
Yet most refuse to let go of the ridiculous notion of the existence of God(s).

Subtle hint: play Marathon 2, and compare the mid-level scene pics between both. You will notice a non-coincidential similarity. Acknowledged by the Benster himself.

Greetings - I am your friendly neighborhood moderator. Over the coming years I shall force-feed you my biased one-sided liberal tripe that I find truthful based upon my own faulty and fragmented logic; excessive smileys 🙂 🙂 🙂 and bizarre TexT! formatting also help clarify my inane points. Welcome to the boards!

It's the way I think, it's the way I feel, it's the way I live, but even though I know Ferazel will not be retouched and that there won't be - ever - a 2nd version, I can't help but think that the playing is a bit linear.

In Prince of Persia, I found a few great idea. At some moment, you must take a magical flame to leave a level. There is a sign near the flame with a guard... obviously guarding it... The sign stated:

"He who touches the flame... Must die."

Well, I touched the flame and died. LOL.

I understood later that I just had to let the guard kill me. After that, another cool cutscene was to be seen.

This time it was not really a cutscene, it was just the character moving by itself. It could be used in Ferazel, too...

I'm a pain in the neck? Well, what I said isn't true?


What made Ferazel great:
Great Gameplay
Great Graphics
Great Sound
Great Adjectives (much like me)
Decent Story

The story was cool, but it definately wasn't meant to carry the game. If by linear you mean same style game play the whole way through- you are crazy. The consistant game play was excellent, games which jump from different styles of play are usually garbage. Ferazel isn't about watching movies its about skill, making descions, logic and fun. I think the few cutscenes aided the atmosphere and excitement of the game. Along with providing greater anticipation, the cutscenes helped to draw the player into the world.

Ferazel's Wand was as close as games come to perfection. The cutscenes were of the right length and style. Ferazel was great. Let's just wait for Ben's next masterpiece and hope it is for Mac.

Crime? What crime?... That I killed a vile noxious insect, an old pawnbroker woman, of use to no one! ... Killing her was atonement for forty sins. ... (blood) Which all men shed, which flows and has always flowed in streams, which is split like champagne, and for which men are crowned benefactors of mankind.”
-Crime &Punishment;

Prince of Persia 1 & 2 are awesome games. They require better reflexes than ferazel. The graphics aren't as good as Ferazel, but the gameplay's awesome. The puzzles are really cool--the sand stone thing in the beginning of POP 2 was cool. The last level of POP 2 required brains as well as skills. The Maze was really cool. I have never played Prince of Persia 3D because it never came out for the mac :frown:
Too bad they'll never be a Ferazel's Wand 3D.

Chack out my website:(url="http://"") for Ferazel levels,status on my Ares plgin, and more.

PoP 3D sucks, and so would Ferazel 3D. Theses games are just not thought to be 3D games.



Posted by Ultimate Bulletin Board Version 5.45:
Posts: 287
From:British Columbia, Canada
Registered: May 2000
Karma: Honored Leader (7) **

Just how high can karma get anyway? And what did you do to get that high anyway? You must be a really....honored leader (for lack of a better term). 😉

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**Just how high can karma get anyway? And what did you do to get that high anyway? You must be a really....honored leader (for lack of a better term).;)

Greetings from California (I'm here for a meeting). I have no idea what I've done to get this high (Karma wise, anyway). Just try to be helpful. Zelda tells me the numbers get higher (I don't know how high), but anything over 6 is just "honoured leader". Oh well.

It is better to remain silent and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. (I wish I could remember this before posting!)

I wish I had a higher Karma, so usually:

- If it gets under -10 you are banned from the board, so it stays at -10.
- It never gets above +10, and if it does, you will become a moderator, so moderators will not trigger it above +10.

I remarked it... Am I wrong?

Moderators have no karma anyway.
