First Story

aschaaf ran past the cannons, editing a straight line of open space before him. he finally came to Fanatic, who was waiting at the entrance to a maze. it seemed that there was several cannons and spiks as far as he could see. aschaaf kept editing a passage UNDER the maze. Fanatic came out, climbed up, and came over to Ferazel, who was ready to run the final part of the relay. (Fanatic has been learning spells from Ferazels wand recently. Burnum had taught him the Beer fetching spell and the AOL disc spell, and ascaaf had used ferazedit to teach him Fireball, Boomerang, Ice crystals, Ice wall, and Tree trunk. Then, aschaaf had used ferazedit on everyone and gave them FIFTY--When you dream, youve GOT to dream BIG--rez necklaces.) Some spikes shot up from holes on the ground and everything went black (Wow, I've died THREE times now in team stories!) Suddenly Fanatic glowed, and was brought back to life. as this happened, one of the rez necklaces glowed, and vanished. But they had made it in three minutes! Hooray!

"I will make this whole planet suffer!"

3 minitues? Who are you kidding? Look at the time I started 1:17 PM and the time Ferazel finished 4:24 PM. That's more like 3 hours. Then Burnum remebers that since this is a 'team story' time doesn't exist. With that in mind, he then goes on to contemplate how this relay race works. His body starts spining, and his mind gets all boggled up. GameFanatic gives him a ResNecklace just in case. But, everything is fine and they continue on there journey (Which BTW is now a two pager). πŸ˜„

(url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ΕΌ' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
Play Ferazel's Wand? (url="http://"")Download Equity Of Redemption!(/url) - A New Ferazel's Wand World

As the proceed, they come to the fork that leads to the Fire Caverns, or the Mountains. They start to go through Fire in the Hole....

P.S. After this, we'll head to the Ice Caverns, and then the Ruins. Battling Xichra will be at the very end (obviously ;)).

Ferazel Rocks!
Cythera's 'Team Stories' Rock!

Fanatic grabs aschaaf's imac and drags the level exit to right in front of him, saves, and they see the exit in front of them. they step through.


Von Smasher then takes the iMac and edits some items for the adventure. The whole party waits for the psionic figure to make something creative to help the journey. Then, ahead of them, the party sees a mountain of poppyseed muffins.
"What?" says ferazel, of all the eqipment a we nedd, you pick poopyseed muffins.
"A guy has to eat, you know," says Von Smasher as he stuffs his face.
The whole party then eats the delicious food. πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

"Have the lambs stopped screaming yet?"
"Heh heh, delicious...." (Toblerones :D)
"Soppy?!?! That's an insult!"
"And who's to blame? I could assume the loneliness of my white room."

As they finish off the last of the poppyseed muffins, they discover a door behind where the muffins had been.

They go through the door, and find an old woman (hereafter knowan as a "hagnabit") bent over a cauldron, stirring an irridescent liquid.

"Thank you for eating all those muffins." she says. "I baked too many and was trapped here. It was a good thing you came along when you did!"

She stirred the cauldron some more. "Oh, where are my manners? Would you like some broth?" she said, smiling cunningly at them.

Some people are Optimists - they see the glass as half full. Some are Pessimists - the glass is half empty. I'm a Realist. I know eventually I'm going to have to wash that glass.

(This message has been edited by MonsterLady (edited 11-16-2000).)

Ferazel faints! Then Von Smasher starts to get dissy. The Muffins had some poison in them from the cauldron. Burnum grabs aschaffs iBook, and quickly draws some Ziridium brine into the level. But alas, aschaff hadn't set the tile info yet. Burnum's adrenalin was rising. They had never seen an iBook be able to work so fast. He set the information and quit. They then moved everyone over to the pool of ziridium brine to refresh themselves. Ferazel starts to get up.

(url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ΕΌ' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
Play Ferazel's Wand? (url="http://"")Download Equity Of Redemption!(/url) - A New Ferazel's Wand World

Fanatic then holds his sword, Darkness, to the old ladys throat. "Why? Why did you poison our food? Tell the truth, or I will be forced to use extreme measure!" Fanatic quickly cast a spell never seen by ferazel or the others. "Surely you must have heard of my 'Lie Detecting Spell?'"
The witch seemed dizzy. "All...hail...Queen...Xichra..." With that she passed out.
"Hmm..." Fanatic said. "The spell had a much different effect on her then i had thought..."
They walked on, Fanatic casting a strange rune in front of the ziridium brine...

"I will make this whole planet suffer!" --Frieza
"Are you crazy?" --Tenchi
"You're tuned to the comercial channel! All commercials, ALL THE TIME!" --Mike the TV
"I knew that if I lat this kid wander around, you might show up. The only mistake i made was to underestimate the power of this kid..." --Ganondorf


It hardly mattered what had caused itΒ—a giant meteorite, a huge volcano, or a nuclear war. Temparatures and pressures swung out of balance, and great winds blew
All over the north, dingy snow fell, and in places, even summer did not erase it. --David Brin


Originally posted by GameFanatic:


::Points at Gamefanatic and laughs:: Ohh, sorry, this story is getting slow..... :rollseyes:

"Have the lambs stopped screaming yet?"
"Heh heh, delicious...." (Toblerones :D)
"Soppy?!?! That's an insult!"
"And who's to blame? I could assume the loneliness of my white room."

Ferazel casts a spell. The fainted habnabit is revived. "What happened to you?" Ferazel asked...

Ferazel Rocks!
Cythera's 'Team Stories' Rock!


Suddenly, a large flame bursts out of the ground. It transforms into a fireball and out of it walks Rogan. He looks around for a while before he gets a confused look on his face.
"Sorry guys, wrong world" he says before he walks back into the fireball and vanishes πŸ˜„

"Anyone can just go in there and kill someone, but you don`t get information from a corpse"
--SEAL motto

Fanatic had gone to the door and motioned the others to come with him. the Hag seemed not to notice. Silently, they made thier way toward the a hole in the ground. the hole smelled an awful lot like sulfur. it was about 3 feet wide and 4 feet across. fanatic jumped in, and the others followed.

Three is the number thou shalt count, and the number thou shalt will be three. Thou shalt not count four, nor shall thou count two, unless thee preceedeth to three. Five is right out.
--Monty python and the Holy Grail

aschaaf_86 yawns...

Β“I do remain confident in Linda. She'll make a fine labor secretary. From what I've read in the press accounts, she's perfectly qualified..Β” -- George W. Bush

Emperor Ent awakes from a long slumber. "What am I doing here? I thought this topic was dead? Oh, well." Emperor Ent then proceeds to jump into the sulfur smelling hole. "Doh!"

Here lies Emperor Ent
He was a Decent Indiviual.

And then there was much rejoicing!

Apu: Well, if the police won't help us, we'll simply have to take the law into our own hands.
Wiggum: Yeah, yeah! A lot of people are doing that these days.

Suddenly, as they turn around, they see huge flames arise and AVN steps out from behind them. He says, " Ha! You have fallen into a trap! I rule everything here! Now you will never escape! Say, are those poppyseed muffins? Can I have one?"
Fanatic replies, "NO! They are mine!"
AVN steals the muffins and scarfs them down. "Ooh, I feel sleepy, he says, before falling onto the floor and disappearing. Suddenely he reapears. "Say, would any of you guys happen to have a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts?" πŸ™‚
"Oh well. I'll just go off somewhere, maybe to a good dumpster, and search for wallets wearing scuba gear." πŸ˜„
They all turn around and watch him vanish with a puff of smoke.

Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask πŸ™‚ )


Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
**And then there was much rejoicing!

Yay! πŸ˜‰

Β“I do remain confident in Linda. She'll make a fine labor secretary. From what I've read in the press accounts, she's perfectly qualified..Β” -- George W. Bush

The gods look down upon Ferazel and his companions and take mercy, "Holy moly! Their still at it?" The party then hears a sucking noise and finds themselves in Xichra's Lair.

Apu: Well, if the police won't help us, we'll simply have to take the law into our own hands.
Wiggum: Yeah, yeah! A lot of people are doing that these days.


Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
**And then there was much rejoicing!


Originally posted by aschaaf_86:

hehehahaHAHAHAHAHAHA! lol, i thought we were through reciting Monty Python, but if ya cant beat em join em...
And then the winter came, and there was no food. so they were forced to eat Sir Robin's Minstrels. and there was much rejoicing.
anyway, i decided to stop posting in the FW topic until this topic was revived.
πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚
"the castle of 'agghh'?"
"I dont know, maybe the man who wrote that died while writing it."
πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

I'm about to drop the hammer and dispense some indiscriminate justice!