Eastern Reaches

Does anybody know where the silver key is to that door that has another door below it (one that you don't use a key in) in this level? 😕

moderaters rule!!!!
and pc's are insignificant others!!!

yes, you know where those swinging grass things are?(not the ones hanging over the pit) the ones connected to a block of "dirt" and there's one above it? Nevermind

okay you know where those areas are with thw water and the pits make sure your at the one with the deep water and the smite ring go right through it and go right ther will be a block of land jump on it and you will see another strip of a land a little higher jump to that go right then you will see a platform with a goblin throwing knives you can knock them onto spikes by shooting at them there are about 3 so keep doing that and you will see the last one with no spikes knock him off and there will be a chest.

All quite on the western front.
But not for long...

thanks, I owe you one. 🙂

moderaters rule!!!!
and pc's are insignificant others!!!

Anytime 🙂

All quite on the western front.
But not for long...