Obfuscation & Edification to Labyrinth

Grrrrrrrr........ If I go back to an earlier save in O & E, I can find the button and the gate which then takes me into the labyrinth. If I try to go there from a later save (after the secret level), it just dumps me out as if I had gone back to the entrance and exited there.

And while I'm in the neighborhood, is there a way to get to the cave door which I can see near the end of O & E?




Originally posted by LynzyIdaho:
**Grrrrrrrr........ If I go back to an earlier save in O & E, I can find the button and the gate which then takes me into the labyrinth. If I try to go there from a later save (after the secret level), it just dumps me out as if I had gone back to the entrance and exited there.

And while I'm in the neighborhood, is there a way to get to the cave door which I can see near the end of O & E?


Did you save in O&E; or after Purple Haze? Because when you leave Purple Haze you can only go back to the beginning of any level. (Same with leaving any other level). So you have to start at the beginning of O&E; again.

Also, the secret area you can see towards the end of O&E; is accessed by swimming through the acid in the area where the rock crumbles as you run across it. (Swim to the left back underneath where you just came down and got the fire seeds. Save before you go into the acid because 9 times of out ten, I die) There is another secret area up at the top of the same crumbly rock area - leap up on the rocks and climb up, up, up!


Hmmm.... when I swim to the left through the acid at the point right after I get the single bunch of fireseeds and where the "islands" begin to break up, I get to a transporter which takes me to a catapult which flings me across some spikes to a trunk with coins in it. I've never been through a cave door on this level and can't seem to get to it. Am I missing something?



I'll have to go back to the level and see. (It's been awhile). Will post response later.


Later - ah THAT doorway.

I believe that is an alternate entrance to Purple Haze, but it is almost impossible to survive long enough to get to it through the acid. I dimly recall getting to it once many games ago. (Although that could be a flashback to the 60's - acid and all (Humour)). I get 100% secrets & 100% xichrons without going through it. (Although I have never gotten 100% enemies, but that has been a subject of some debate - is it possible to get 100% enemies with all the enemy generators on this level?)

(This message has been edited by MonsterLady (edited 04-04-2001).)

It's been awhile but I'll tell you how I got to Purple Haze without going through Acid. I'll play it again tmorrow and respond with more details.

Okay while you're exploring O & E (I think this is in the above) there should be some Ziridium Brine next to a grave. You break open the wall anf find yourself in an enclosure with Xchirons. At the right side of the room there is an indentation. Throw some fireseeds at it. You will see some holes. Press Up and you will be transported to the tunnel and from there to Purple Haze. I recomend completing O&E; and moving on to the labrinth before doing Purple Haze. It is easy to get to this exit.

I looked at O&E; along with other levels where 100/100/100 wasn't met. I noticed that there were some enemy sprites in non-accesable places. A lot of bens levels have other junk that we haven't seen. In the first level for example, there is a huge ziridium brine pool, that I guess he took out of the game but never erased it. These leftover sprites cause the count to be not complete. However, I think the generators throw off the count as well. As I stated, I think it was a bug they decided to leave in just because. The demo version of FW I got 100/100/100 on this level.

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