How do I get by the Knife throwing goblin?

Help! I'm facing the giant knife throwing goblin just a few levels into the game and I just get figure it out. I've looked for fire seeds on the previous level (they were in the demo) but have not been able to find any. Any tips?


Originally posted by pjda:
Help! I'm facing the giant knife throwing goblin just a few levels into the game and I just get figure it out. I've looked for fire seeds on the previous level (they were in the demo) but have not been able to find any. Any tips?

There are a few other posts on this, but I'll try to summarize....

What I like to do is to save the goblin chief until I'm done Storm Valley - exit to the right in Unemployed in Greenland There are some fire seeds there if you know where to look. Takes about 4 fireseeds to kill him. You can also get a bunch of fireseeds in Iceconoclsym (my spelling is off today - anyway, the second ice level).

Otherwise - use any spell, but when he jumps up, jump up just before he lands, otherwise you will be "frozen" in the spot for a short while. One theory is to get as close as possible and just fire away.

Hope this helps.

I prefer the fireseeds and I like to do the right side levels first anyway.


I was going to kinda say the same thing but what my brother did was run up to him, jump, and kill him with fire balls. 😛 ( i am just testing some smilies :rolleyes: )



Originally posted by Dark Jet:
**I was going to kinda say the same thing but what my brother did was run up to him, jump, and kill him with fire balls.:p ( i am just testing some smilies :rolleyes: )


Of course, that takes a long time. I didn't think of using fire seeds and I had many Game Overs.

Anyway, I've beaten the goblin king and have access to three levels now: The first desert one, the first ice one, the first one with the fire in the background (Hangnabbit? you get a hanglider) I've saved on the desert level, but am stuck now. I can't beat the desert level fast enough, I'm off by about 2 minutes, I am having a hard time with the ice level, and in short I am stuck. Any tips? 🙂

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."


Originally posted by Avatara:
**Of course, that takes a long time. I didn't think of using fire seeds and I had many Game Overs.

Anyway, I've beaten the goblin king and have access to three levels now: The first desert one, the first ice one, the first one with the fire in the background (Hangnabbit? you get a hanglider) I've saved on the desert level, but am stuck now. I can't beat the desert level fast enough, I'm off by about 2 minutes, I am having a hard time with the ice level, and in short I am stuck. Any tips? 🙂


I like to do the ice levels first, then hangnabit and those levels, then go back to the desert, go through Parched Earth, then the fire levels (which are beyond Parched Earth). Just a personal preference.

As far as beating the timed level - One person recommended using the tree trunk spell to avoid having to use the cannons. Can't say as I found it any quicker. Just practice. And shoot out that ceiling by the quicksand.

Don't worry about xichrons, etc. - you can go back and get them later (just make sure you exit the level before going back so you can get to the next level).


Well the ice level is really pretty easy in fact.

One tip for the first ice level (snow level): when there is the long jump section, when you land for the 3rd time, DON'T JUMP. Instead, go right down, and you'll find a secret door with a seller that will sell you an Ice Pick. This will be very useful for Iceconoclast.

For Iceconoclast or whatever it is called,you first must get on the spiky ball, you know, the big things. Up and up, to get the ice spell. Then, when you will meet the impossible-to-jump spikes (you will know where it is, trust me), shoot on them with the ice spell, jump on the ice platform, jump, shoot again, jump on the new ice platform, and so on. On the very top and the very left, you will also find a guy that will sell you fire seeds for a.... a small price.

The best way to get fire seeds & ziridium seeds: you made it through the River of Fears level, right? I'm sure you found Nimbo, who will ask you to find Dimbo. If not, his house is near the end of the level. Search for it. Well, Dimbo is in the Labinryth level. Somewhere high on the left. There is a goblin trying to throw a knife from the right, but he's stopped by a wall. At the left there is a wall. Break it and you will find Dimbo. Then get out of the Labyrinth, go back to see Nimbo and he'll give you 99 fire seeds/99 ziridium seeds! Nice, eh? You can pay him a visit everytime you need seeds.

I hope you found that useful. Whew!


What I like to do with the Goblin Chief is to get all of the multi-crystals from Purple Haze and go straight to the chief, having beaten all the levels up to him earlier. With Statue and 5 or so multi crystals, he lasts about 2 or 3 shots. If you need to know how to get to Purple Haze, post here again.

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What I like to do with the Goblin Chief is to get all of the multi-crystals from Purple Haze and go straight to the chief, having beaten all the levels up to him earlier. With Statue and 5 or so multi crystals, he lasts about 2 or 3 shots. If you need to know how to get to Purple Haze, try looking around in O & E.

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Hmmm... I like FerazEdit. Ferazel's Wand is nothing without FerazEdit!


Ferazel's Wand is fine without ferazedit, in fact, I think ben shound make ferazedit no longer able to work in the next version. Why? Because cheats are lame, and only idiots need them.


Originally posted by Thok:
Ferazel's Wand is fine without ferazedit, in fact, I think ben shound make ferazedit no longer able to work in the next version. Why? Because cheats are lame, and only idiots need them.

mmm...sorry. I think you're being a bit harsh. I do know what you mean, I much prefer to make it through a game with no help, hints or cheats. The feeling I get when I beat it all on my own is soooo goooood!! But the point of a game is to have fun. And if you're so frustrated that you are no longer having fun, then the purpose of the game has rather been defeated. I think hints, helps and cheats should be available for difficult games. If you don't choose to use them, good for you..but to say that anyone who chooses to do so is an idiot is a bit out of line. Other people may not enjoy pounding their heads for hours against a wall. They don't have days and days to spend on one puzzle. It doesn't make them idiots. It means that their idea of "fun" and your idea of "fun" aren't necessarily the same. Ask any successful game developer, their goal is for players to have fun. Really. It's entertainment. It's supposed to be fun. It's ok!!!

Let me tell you something else, nothing is worse for a game then to have it nearly impossible to complete. You'll get a few hard core gamers that will want the challenge, but the majority of people are not "hard core" and you'll miss the bigger portion of the market if you make it too difficult to complete. A good compromise is to have the cheats available. I shall readily admit that I used a cheat to make it through the last levels of Ferazel. I never would have made it through the game without it and I think I'm somewhat of an experienced gamer. I'm going to to try another go at Ferazel after a time and attempt to make it through without a cheat. But I think it would be sad if you someone spent money on a game and then found you had no way to finish it. I know that if that happened to me, I would feel as if I was the one who had been cheated.


All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows--Merciless

I'll add my 2˘ worth. (Mostly agreeing, as usual, with Zelda).

I think Aussie is just a little too exuberent for his/her own good. Everything is black or white. Probably a tincture of time will curb this. I've learnt to ignore the postings with "I'm so great", etc. because, after all, it is just a game.

Part of the fun of FW is figuring out where all the secrets are, which spell to use, how to get 100% xichrons. Using Ferazedit all the time defeats the challenge. Using the Mascot editor is the same - why puzzle something out when you can just look in Mascot? Some people cannot resist the easy cheat.

I've learnt that honest effort is it's own reward.

However, I am very glad that Ferazedit was around for the final level, because I never would have finished the game otherwise. ends today's sermon....



Originally posted by MonsterLady:
**I'll add my 2˘ worth. (Mostly agreeing, as usual, with Zelda).

I think Aussie is just a little too exuberent for his/her own good. Everything is black or white. Probably a tincture of time will curb this. I've learnt to ignore the postings with "I'm so great", etc. because, after all, it is just a game.

Part of the fun of FW is figuring out where all the secrets are, which spell to use, how to get 100% xichrons. Using Ferazedit all the time defeats the challenge. Using the Mascot editor is the same - why puzzle something out when you can just look in Mascot? Some people cannot resist the easy cheat.

I've learnt that honest effort is it's own reward.

However, I am very glad that Ferazedit was around for the final level, because I never would have finished the game otherwise. ends today's sermon....


Ohhh...good point. I was not paying attention to the outside edges of this conversation. Yeah..people who cheat shouldn't necessarily brag about how great they play the game. Heck..I won't be giving pointers to people from the fire levels on because I couldn't do it without the cheat!


All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows--Merciless

Originally posted by Avatara:

Of course, that takes a long time. I didn't think of using fire seeds and I had many Game Overs.

Anyway, I've beaten the goblin king and have access to three levels now: The first desert one, the first ice one, the first one with the fire in the background (Hangnabbit? you
get a hanglider) I've saved on the desert level, but am stuck now. I can't beat the desert level fast enough, I'm off by about 2 minutes, I am having a hard time with the ice level, and in short I am stuck. Any tips?

Well, Parched Earth was hard to me too but then i got it. Using TreeTrunk instead of the dragon cannons really was quicker (at least for me... :)) And which ice level are you talking about? (Flash Freeze or Iceconoclasm?)
Post back and i will help you.

PS. For all people who have problems with spelling the 2nd ice level's name, it's I C E C O N O C L A S M.