
If I had 3 feet... I would wash only 2!!


Oops... Too bad I forgot to ask my Ferazel question:

Once you made through the Fire levels, I'd like to know if there's a way (hacking?) to stop this damn fire. I can make it faster and even get a few more % of secrets, but it's very hard with that fire, especially when the fire goes down. Any ideas?


I don't see what you're asking. Are you talking about those flame sprites that one can't walk through? If that's what you mean, you have to have the Fire Amulet handy, obtainable via the Fire Guardian bosses. Or, you could cheat...(pulls out tazer) 😉

MAGNETIC POEM #14.4 (1/3/00)
love is
the searching below
one's tiny expecations

I have a related question and am too lazy to create a new topic...

Fire In The Whole...
...and other d*** scroll all the time levels.

How the heck are you supose to get all the secrets....There is the smite ring in If you can't stand the heat...but as soon as I come out of the door...the fire has already engulfed it. And there are some other stuff in Fire in The Whole...what's everyones best percentages on these levels?

(url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
Play Ferazel's Wand? (url="http://"")Download Equity Of Redemption!(/url) - A New Ferazel's Wand World

The best I've ever done in Fire in the Hole is 100% everything. (Took my many many many tries to do that - there is one very well hidden secret.)

In the scrolling levels I'm too lazy to go back and try to get all the goodies because I got the ones that matter - rez necklace etc. In "Can't Stand the Heat" the best I've ever done is 74% secrets. There are a couple of places I just can't get "UP" to - where you get the lava walking powerup - and I too have never been able to get that elusive smite ring just to the left of the door.


(This message has been edited by MonsterLady (edited 03-31-2001).)


Originally posted by Aussie:
**Once you made through the Fire levels, I'd like to know if there's a way (hacking?) to stop this damn fire.

Yes. Use MASCOT.

Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.

Burnum shakes his head and wonders why he put down Fire In The Whole when he ment Out of the Frying Pan. Oh well.

Yeah. So I guess you're saying just move on? okeydokey. I did semi-okay on if you can't stand the heat...and out of the frying pan wasn't my fav level anyway.

(url="http://";=Burnum")Stephen(/url) ż' ((url="http://";=Burnum")The Burnum Man(/url))
Play Ferazel's Wand? (url="http://"")Download Equity Of Redemption!(/url) - A New Ferazel's Wand World