What of the Forest Nymph?

I remember seeing some cutesy nymph that was summposed to take a liking to our favorite Habnabit in a review many months ago... and after finishing the game, I have yet to find her. Has Ferazel been robbed of true love?

(even saw sketchwork of her too)



Originally posted by TomRix:
**I remember seeing some cutesy nymph that was summposed to take a liking to our favorite Habnabit in a review many months ago... and after finishing the game, I have yet to find her. Has Ferazel been robbed of true love?

(even saw sketchwork of her too)

Yes, I saw her too. Apparently she didn't make it into the final game. As I recall..she was basically just a joke and was never intended to be a part of the game anyway.


All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows--Merciless

Pity times seventy-three. Well, there's always the possibility of Ferazel 2 or fanfics or something. Racial vengeance is such a lonely occupation. :frown:


That was Ferazel's girlfriend! (I still have the pic on my drive if anyone wants to see it :))

-- Jeff
"All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows." -Merciless

Nah MASCOT still has her...its just a sprite. Actually, it is under both enemy and objects. or is it scenery? ill have to check...
aschaaf you should probably know this.
And Merciless? how about a link to that pic? That would not be amiss.

"There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy is going to tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. No one but the enemy shows you where you are weak. No one but the enemy shows you where he is strong." --Orson Scott Card

(This message has been edited by GameFanatic (edited 02-24-2001).)

(This message has been edited by GameFanatic (edited 02-24-2001).)

(url="http://"http://www.ualberta.ca/~jnouwen/other/ferazel.gif")Aww, isn't he cute?(/url) 🙂

-- Jeff
"All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows." -Merciless

Can you use her in a MASCOT level as someone to talk to? Will it work in the game?



Originally posted by cat99:
**Can you use her in a MASCOT level as someone to talk to? Will it work in the game?

Yeah, sure. It works fine. All of the characters not used in the game still work. Enemies not used do not, though.

Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask 🙂 )

Egad! His hood is off! He's essentially naked! 😉

MAGNETIC POEM #14.4 (1/3/00)
love is
the searching below
one's tiny expecations

Whoa, look at the hair and ears! I didn't imagine them like that! His head looks like a rat with a long nose! 🙂

Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask 🙂 )

I noticed that the forest nymph is an enemy in MASCOT, but in the game, it's a missing sprite and doesn't do anything. Also, in Ferazedit, there are a whole bunch of spells not seen in the real game that dont' do anything. can someone explain that?


Originally posted by Merciless:
**Aww, isn't he cute?:)


Why are you not my englishness be understanding?

A few things were planned for the game but didn't make it in because of time and/or taste restraints. A couple of spells didn't end up being that useful, and the forest nymphs were a little too over-the-top, so that stuff was ditched. But at least it means there are a few extra graphics to be used in custom worlds. Andrew Hunter's sketch of the unhooded Ferazel with the nymph cracks me up every time, though.


So does this mean that the characters labled "Sara" and "Taryn" in the MASCOT editor do not actually exist the real game? (I started out playing the real game but once I started tinkering with MASCOT I found the real game less fun. I don't know very much about the factory version itself so bear with me ;))

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

Ben, mind if I ask why you didn't use your account when you posted?

-- Jeff
"All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows." -Merciless

Well, I'm as puzzled as you. Andrew turned off my posting privileges for some reason. Go figure. 🙂



Originally posted by Ben S.:
Well, I'm as puzzled as you. Andrew turned off my posting privileges for some reason. Go figure.:)

It's all a conspiracy!!!

Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.