Western Reaches Help Needed

I seem to have the knack of getting around in most of the levels I've visited so far, but I need a couple of hang gliding tips. I've gotten all the way across the "chasm" several times, but with little finesse. If I fool around trying to pick up any of the goodies, I lose momentum and crash. What's the secret?




Originally posted by LynzyIdaho:
**I seem to have the knack of getting around in most of the levels I've visited so far, but I need a couple of hang gliding tips. I've gotten all the way across the "chasm" several times, but with little finesse. If I fool around trying to pick up any of the goodies, I lose momentum and crash. What's the secret?


I try to go straight through, just following the Xichron trail, not getting too fancy, shooting with the boomerang spell when encountering the enemies. This will net you most of the xichrons, but hardly any secrets or enemies. Save at the end of the level. Then go back out and try to get the secrets & enemies. Die. The hanglider will be gone when you "continue", so leave the level and go back in at the beginning to get the hanglider again. Try to get all the secrets and enemies as well as the rest of the xichrons. Die. Try again. Die. Try again. Die. (repeat as necessary) Give up and go on to another level. Leave the save spot open at beginning of the next level so in case you ever do go back and make it through and collect some more goodies you have a spot to save at.

Seriously, you have to pay attention to the updrafts & downdrafts and use your "run" and "jump" key as well as your directional keys to get over some of the down drafts. As I tell my daughter, practice, practice, practice. I've never been able to get 100% secrets.
