Western Reaches Help Needed

Okay, so I'm on the level depicted in the screenshot of Western Reaches. I have repeatedly gone through the level and found 100% of the secrets, slain 100% of the enemies and collected 100% of the xichrons. But I can't find my way out. Any hints or clues?





Originally posted by LynzyIdaho:
**Okay, so I'm on the level depicted in the screenshot of Western Reaches. I have repeatedly gone through the level and found 100% of the secrets, slain 100% of the enemies and collected 100% of the xichrons. But I can't find my way out. Any hints or clues?



You've come to the end of the level because you know your score. Now just go back to the Central Caverns and continue on to the Eastern Reaches. There is no "new" pathway out of the Western Reaches.


Now just go back to the Central Caverns and continue on to the Eastern Reaches. There is no "new" pathway out of the Western Reaches.<<

I can't get anywhere after it tells me the score... it keeps depositing me on the same level I just finished. I get my score right after I receive the scroll... up and back to the left. When I click to re-enter the game, it puts me next to the small magenta pool which is where I began this level. What am I missing?



You can move to a different level on the map by hitting the arrow keys, when a new pathway opens up you move automatically, so that's probably the problem.

Nostradamus (supposedly) predicted that "In the new millineum, in the most powerful country in the world, the village idiot will take power." Hmm, of course he made so many other predictions that some are bound to be true...

You can move to a different level on the map by hitting the arrow keys,<<

Aha! I'm off to play games! Thank you!



Thank's for the karma, Zelda. ๐Ÿ˜„

Nostradamus (supposedly) predicted that "In the new millineum, in the most powerful country in the world, the village idiot will take power." Hmm, of course he made so many other predictions that some are bound to be true...

Want some more Karma??? <gg> How do I last long enough to figure out how to defeat the goblin chief?




Originally posted by LynzyIdaho:
**Want some more Karma???

Sure! I could use another one... ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ˜„


Originally posted by LynzyIdaho:
**How do I last long enough to figure out how to defeat the goblin chief?

You need fire seeds to beat him.
Throw enough of them at him, and he dies.
Also, when he lands after a jump, he'll stun you a little if you're on the ground then, so try to jump right before he lands.

ย“His own government suing him, thatย’s not chocolate sundae.ย” ย–- Bill Gates' father

(This message has been edited by aschaaf_86 (edited 02-11-2001).)

You need fire seeds to beat him.<<

I haven't seen a fire seed since I played the demo. Looks like I need to go back and have a closer look... didn't find all the secrets on every level. Is that something I'm going to have to do every time? The only game I've played that was anything like this one was Prince of Persia, and in that one, I could advance without discovering everything there was to discover.




Originally posted by LynzyIdaho:
**Want some more Karma??? <gg> How do I last long enough to figure out how to defeat the goblin chief?


Make sure you have both a health and a magic potion. And if you've saved some multicrystals..now would be a good time to use them. The statue spell will kill him faster than the fireball spell.


I'm the color me happy girl
Miss Live and let live
And when they're out for blood
I always give

Also, there was a technique that someone mentioned (that I found by accident) that works quite well: get close to him - really close - and fire away. When he throws his axes, they will just be knocked down and between those times, you will just be hitting him over and over.

-- Jeff
"This is a teaching hospital, you're here to learn. We'd call it a learning hospital, but that would scare the patients."

I usually save the Goblin Chief until I've done most, if not all, the levels to the right and then use fireseeds. There are some fireseeds in Storm Valley, but you can get lots more in the last ice level.
However, if you really want to get through right now to Parched Earth, use Merciless's technique with the statue spell.


However, if you really want to get through right now to Parched Earth, use Merciless's technique with the statue spell.


I can't imagine ANYONE in a hurry to get to Parched Earth. Aaaaaargh! Have fun, Lynzy! Frosty in the Land of Enchantment.

use Merciless's technique with the statue spell.<<

On which level is the statue spell to be found?




Originally posted by LynzyIdaho:
**> >use Merciless's technique with the statue spell.<<

On which level is the statue spell to be found?



That was the spell you picked up in the Western Reaches. (The scroll just at the end.)


Got the statue spell, doesn't work on the Goblin Chief... and am utterly mystified by Storm Valley so far, but am forging ahead. What exactly happens when I pick up the blue multi-crystals? I haven't noticed any difference. Which brings up another question... what's the purpose of the pink crystal which I picked up last thing on my way out of A Scent of Peril and which were promptly smashed to smithereens on the next level?




Originally posted by LynzyIdaho:
**Got the statue spell, doesn't work on the Goblin Chief... and am utterly mystified by Storm Valley so far, but am forging ahead. What exactly happens when I pick up the blue multi-crystals? I haven't noticed any difference. Which brings up another question... what's the purpose of the pink crystal which I picked up last thing on my way out of A Scent of Peril and which were promptly smashed to smithereens on the next level?


Those pink like crystals are the multicrystals. They multiply your fire power. The more you have, the more your power is increased. They're very handy to have when you go after a one of the big bad guys like the Goblin Chief. Don't pick them up unless you have to. Try save them. You'll lose a multicrystal everytime you take a hit (that's the "smashing" sound) so get your hits in fast!

When you go through the levels you'll find blue and green crystals when you do things like shoot out torches and rocks and so forth. The blue will help you regain your health and the green your magical energy.


I'm the color me happy girl
Miss Live and let live
And when they're out for blood
I always give

When you go through the levels you'll find blue and green crystals when you do things like shoot out torches and
rocks and so forth. The blue will help you regain your health and the green your magical energy.

This part I got... but there are crystals in boxes... what do those do?




Originally posted by LynzyIdaho:
**This part I got... but there are crystals in boxes... what do those do?

Same thing. I think they were just put in for variety.

Capatilism- You can't get ahead without stepping on people. In fact, it's pretty hard to stay in the same place without stepping on a few people.

The crystals in the boxes are multicrystals. Sometimes they're just lying around, sometimes they are in boxes.
